25 thoughts on “Jerry Lewis Wants To Smack Lindsay Lohan and Paris hilton

  1. assortedimages

    2:13 “…that people in the business don’t know their craft. They’re not helping the director, they don’t help the writer and they don’t help the play. Have to learn what they’re doing and how that gets to the public.” Charlie Sheen comes to mind clearly.

  2. brabon1

    jerry forgets that he and the rest of the celebs of his time, were all part of a studio system, that protected them

    there were lohans back in his day…but the stories were never allowed out

    jolson???? how many bj’s did he get on the back lot?

    and didnt jerry spend time in rehab?

    nice senior moment that doesnt reflect the reality of hollywood

  3. ccipollini1984

    I hope Lindsay gets it toggether, but I have to agree with Jerry. the loose morals of “new” Hollywood and the rigid morals of “old” and in my opinion, better Hollywood. I love how he says it’s a craft. It is. It is not a bs game fame and no substance.

  4. Eaglegeist

    Jesus, jerry lewis’s spirit is fucking out of his body. He’s like a walking nuclear power plant. Jerry lewis is the man. :). But yeah..he could relax on the gals a bit. They all started super young so..idk.. people for sure need time to grow up

  5. DBHuntington

    The man, Jerry Lewis, tells it like it is. My brothers and I have loved, loved, loved him from when we were little kids laughing at his movies. My entire family didn’t leave home Labor Day weekend because the Jerry Lewis Telethon for MDA was on. We learned respect and he was a great man in our home. He is still. AMEN <3

  6. filmmekker

    @HNK222 He’s pointing out that these stars of todays don’t have a sense of history and the show biz greats who came before them to learn from.

  7. quirpco

    lol – This is SO like my uncle! A very passionate conversationalist and storyteller, he makes family gatherings quite interesting at times!

  8. HNK222

    Jerry Lewis is an egomaniac who loves to pontificate. He always has.

    “They don’t know who Al Jolson is” SO? I know who Al Jolson is and that statement makes NO SENSE! If Lindsay Lohan watched “The Jazz Singer” would she be “straightened out?

    Lenny Bruce used to bust on Jerry Lewis brilliantly 50 years ago for this kind of schtick

    He acts like alcohol & drug abuse are some strange new activity that great artists avoid: Judy Garland, Billie Holiday, John Barrymore, etc., ALL were addicts!

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