25 thoughts on “Jake Byrd at Lindsay Lohan Prison Release

  1. mackjeez


    So if she was drunk driving and accidentally killed your mom, dad, or any other relative you would be in court screaming “free lohan she is so beautiful, who cares if she killed, her plastic face and breasts are so amazing, let her have fun”

  2. meavid

    @seth6387 If you want to make a convincing argument about poor taste, you might want to avoid using words like ‘faggot’.

  3. seth6387

    Poor Taste! Lindsay Lohan getting sent to jail is not a funny,, its sad… This country is going to the shitter when were choosing to lock up the beautiful Ms. Lohan. Anyone who is supporting her imprisonment must be a faggot.

  4. photobart1

    This guy works for the Jimmy show. He has balls and I love his act making fun of the news crews and those really stupid fans that want to be on TV.

  5. jorge10928

    @F0Xhound009 It’s bullshit how they treat fucking celebrities different than normal citizens. They’re just people like everyone else. Only because they were in some movie or whatever doesn’t mean that they are above anyone else or even the law.

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