Is Lindsay Lohan’s Dad One of the Worst People in America?

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25 Responses

  1. theamericankid1 says:

    Does she really look 100 years old?
    I heard she looks at least 35 years old.

  2. theamericankid1 says:

    I believe Lindsay is going to be fine I bet she is going to get rid of her pale skin.

  3. HitlersWetDream says:


  4. JosephCheetah says:

    With a dad like that, it’s no wonder that Lohan turned into such a junkie.

  5. WellIAMScottish says:

    I don’t really follow the Lindsay Lohan saga, have seen a couple pictures and she looks like a junkie, but I feel pretty sorry for her that she doesn’t even have parents to turn to. Isn’t her mom a fame whore too? If the whole world is judging and making fun of you and you have some serious mental issues, shouldn’t you at least be able to turn to your own parents for support and protection? It’s like no one cares about the human being named Lindsay Lohan 🙁

  6. wtfisditvoorbullshit says:

    What about Macaulay Culkin’s dad?

  7. christmasdnc says:

    See now, that was a cop out. “We want to understand Islam before we judge it”
    That was a pretty dumb statement.

  8. christmasdnc says:

    Oh shit, knowledge. I learneddeded something today.

  9. christmasdnc says:

    Whoever gave you thumbs up is an idiot. Dude, just fucking google the word before you make yourself look dumb again.

  10. toddsmitts says:

    Behind every celebrity is a bum of a dad or spouse: Joseph Jackson, Ike Turner, Macaulay Culkin’s dad. It goes on and on.

  11. PollockQT says:

    What about John Edward?

  12. Marrilliams says:


  13. devourerofbabies says:

    He’s worse than them. Much worse. Worse than Michael Savage even.

  14. Marrilliams says:

    I dont think he is the worst man ever I mean what about the rapists, murderers, and pedos?

  15. pritcute says:

    So he may be a douche and he just maybe trying to make a buck off of his daughter. I don’t feel sorry for Lindsay no more that I feel sorry for Kate Gosselin both of these people got famous and got stupid! Maybe this is his last effort to get his daughter on the right track. I am not saying I agree with him but this Silly girl is getting worst by the minute. I say if she keeps it up she may just be another lump in the ground.

  16. jedah76 says:

    I would probably say killer pedofiles would be the worst people in America.

  17. treskall1 says:

    If people wish to argue semantics with me, I guess I will for a while. Cheers.

  18. Zeldarulah says:

    @treskall1 So you were arguing semantics? Grats.

  19. fenderbass says:

    Fuck linsey lohan that fucking dike.thats what she gets.wheres sam now slut?

  20. ICEGOD2 says:

    That whole family is fucked in one way or another.

  21. treskall1 says:

    A salient argument for what? The existence of the word “irregardless”? Look further down the thread, there is another douche bag who has even managed to find it on wikipedia. It then turns into a long rant about how it came about, missing the point that it is an official word. In some dictionaries they write you shouldn’t use it in formal style, however writing to assgoblins on YT doesn’t seem very formal to me.

    Oh well, life is too short to waste on you. Gotta run.

  22. Pleblian says:

    “Takes one to know one, I guess?”

    Now who’s looking in the mirror?

    We, lefties, love dissent as long as you can provide a salient argument, something you’ve yet to provide.

  23. Pleblian says:

    You began, in this thread, asking why we pick on christians over any other belief system. For most of us, christianity is something that we are well versed, we understand it. On the other hand, we know very little about Islam. We want to understand them before we allow the christies go on their witch hunts.

  24. treskall1 says:

    “Yet, here you are being a douche bag.”

    Takes one to know one, I guess?

    And I know you lefties don’t like dissent. So open minded they can’t take anyone not agreeing with them. At least most hardcore republicans aren’t hypocrites.

  25. treskall1 says:

    Wikipedia? You mean that site which anyone can make their own edits? Just wait, and I’ll correct it within the hour. Seriously though, perhaps you should consider becoming a kindergarten teacher or sumphtin so you could get an audience that actually gives a shit your etymology lessons. Then again.. awh.. well..

    While you are at it, could you look up the word “fap”?

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