Is Lindsay Lohan Going To Millions Of Milkshakes?

Is Lindsay Lohan Going To Millions Of Milkshakes? Herve Leger,Diesel Store Friday Follow us on Twitter at

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13 Responses

  1. BrandoGiggalo says:

    she looks pretty!

  2. gaplover says:

    ‘Oh Mike Mike Mike!’ and then the door slammed shut.

  3. rider4356 says:


  4. rider4356 says:


  5. lopezpisces25 says:

    Hmmm interesting

  6. miznikki2u says:

    I sure hope they make a ‘millions of milkshakes’ shake for her…. she could stand to drink a couple of them!! 🙂

  7. littleflip0101 says:

    Quit going down to her butt you perves. This is coming from a guy. Geez. People like you guys are the reason why people go through hard times. Ugh.

  8. GlamorousDrana says:

    hey thats not nice i live in Australia they have a lot of cool things

  9. igykalen says:

    Damn immigrants.

  10. lilflav90210 says:

    damn u dnt even need security cameras in that bitch, theres actual people WITH cameras all over the windows!

  11. agaragarlove says:

    yay 2nd comment

  12. ZiBru80 says:


  13. thatdudenextdoor says:

    one day im gonna go to millions of milkshakes haha grrr australia has nothing cool haha

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