Is Justin Timberlake or Lindsay Lohan the Bigger Douche?

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25 thoughts on “Is Justin Timberlake or Lindsay Lohan the Bigger Douche?

  1. 1Vella

    i actually think Lohan did the right thing, maybe she should have just sent it to Biel instead of letting it out to the whole public,
    but him being a seemingly cool dude does not justify cheating!

  2. TriniDaddi

    What? So you can’t be in a club if your not performing now? Obviously he doesn’t care what Jessica Biel thinks thats the reason why he was messing with the other chick.

  3. highwind8124

    You know, I don’t care if he was drunk. What the hell was he doing in the club in the first place if he wasn’t performing in it?

    If you’re around women you could lose your inhibitions with, don’t drink.

    What he did was fucking wrong, and I think Cenk hurts women everywhere when excuses this kind of shit. JT wasn’t honest with his partner. Period.

    And Lohan was a hero in all this, for once in her miserable life.

  4. AugustEighteenth

    How do we even know he is cheating? We always think we know exactly what goes on in all the stars lives, all the time. For all we know they mighta broke up…didnt tell the public..there are so many scenerios that could have taken place..all we know is what they want us to know

  5. xtlhogciao

    I don’t understand your logic abailey6666. He’s too smart to cheat on Jessica Biel? Don’t get me wrong. She’s gorgeous, there’s no doubting that.
    But he’s a young guy who could literally probably walk out onto the street and yell “Who wants to have sex?!” and he will get at least one woman who is just as good looking to walk up. There’s a 50/50 chance a woman like that has herpes, but Timberlake is a douche and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.

    He was in Nsync. He has no self-respect.

  6. abailey6666

    it’s just a dumb ass rumor. Justin is too smart to cheat on Jessica Biel. Once a man been cheated on it’s hard to do the same thing to someone else. Plus where are the picture’s? that’s what I thought.

  7. queenofbuttercream

    as usual…justin playin’ himself. if you didn’t know that justin was a douche bag loser…you are behind the times. Do you all remember that Punk’d episode…?

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