Is Clown Walkin’ A Dance Or Not?

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25 Responses

  1. Vi3tPetahhh says:

    cwalk is a way to express so partially its a dance so fck off all you haters out there

  2. vghoodyboy says:


  3. jay07dice says:

    yea for me…

    this is a part of a dance….

    you follow also the beat of the music….

  4. AzNFlipBoi12 says:

    ONLY if you consider CWALKING as FOOTWORK then it is a DANCE

  5. davidfh34 says:


  6. ESSENCEofCWALK says:

    it’s a dance…and the best !!

  7. Otschki says:

    good one haha 😛

  8. BurmeseBoii says:

    it is a dance
    but people who CAN’T dance say its not a dance
    out of their failure

  9. SmileyReborn07 says:

    Cwalkin’ is a dance, jus’ not globally recognised…

  10. ThaPakiStyle says:

    saying c-walking isn’t a dance is like saying swine flu isn’t a virus

  11. Otschki says:

    you can express yourself through dance and i can express myself through cwalkin.. so yeah i think ist a dance 😉

    btw first vid was hella hot 😀

  12. CryMorePpl says:

    you’re good and awesome song !

  13. EASTW00DHB says:

    “ClownWalk” is a type of Dance, but for the most it’s a Lifestyle…
    so here -> 5* for your Style =)

  14. trafffka86 says:

    Dance? hehe;] …Piece of shit;)

  15. ziomekelk says:

    i also think so.

  16. szejk1991 says:

    It’s a dance. V. good walk

  17. yk15 says:


  18. LovesMoorzie says:

    that’s badass

  19. VmuteV says:

    The base of most dances is footwork . So technically it is a dance . Whack-ass people can say it’s not , but only cause they can’t move their feet to the beat for shit .

  20. Esti1636 says:

    in my opinion they wrong .. many pps dance it 🙂
    anyway you should not listen to them and do what u want to 😀
    have a nice week =]

  21. Vi3tChungJr says:

    crazy pps at my school said: it isn’t -.-

  22. Esti1636 says:

    cwalk its a dance!
    nice walk 🙂
    keep it up!

  23. Born2LuvMusic4Eva says:

    Yeah it’s a dance!

  24. bighaile88 says:


  25. baconator4ever says:


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