Illuminati TV Spot – Lindsay Lohan, Another Mind Control Puppet: Presented By Fornarina, The Elite

We can see some Pyramids / Pyramid with one eye here and several Mind Control Symbols like the checkerboard-stuff / multiple personas and all this… please visit for the specific lectures about the themes. This is a official statement about the commercial “Lindsay Lohan is the Face of Fornarina Actress and singer Lindsay Lohan is feature in a funny new commercial for the Spring/Summer 2009 ad campaign for Fornarina. In the ad spot written and directed by …

25 thoughts on “Illuminati TV Spot – Lindsay Lohan, Another Mind Control Puppet: Presented By Fornarina, The Elite

  1. caestvs

    Pipe down celtic clown. Name one fvcking thing this little girl ever did. Thats what I thought. She never hurt a fricken soul in her life. Jesus Christ it’s like the “kaiser soze” of Hollywood is hell bent on her destruction. And the sheep “you” eat it right up. Total #$@#$@%$%$

  2. tripdeezy

    The whole video I was like “Lindsey Lohan??? Where??,” then I looked back and realized THAT WAS LINDSEY LOHAN! Beyond crazy how they screw her life up.

  3. vvveuvie

    Major mirror programming going on as well as the pastels, as well as everything else. I guess Jack Nicholson is a programmer, seeing how she was running to him when in trouble. Now he’s exposed too. Lindsay is under heavy progamming indeed. Shame on Jack!

  4. borcer

    It is made so that we associate it with “Pornorina”.
    Also see how they all look-a-like, Lady Gaga, Lindsey Lohan ~ you can’t tell them apart.

  5. bones22j

    yet another way to decensitize sex to kids. Fornarina almost sounds like fornicate. The illuminati are like a fly that you can’t splatter with a fly squater. They just never seem to go away. They’ll have their day.

  6. YourDefenderOfTruth

    Anybody notice how they have reduced the human (lindsay) to the likeliness of a machine. “Click, flash…wow”. Even the movement she makes afterwards. She stands at attention as if she has been ‘activated’. Robotic!

  7. YourDefenderOfTruth

    Yea I would have to agree. There are many celebs thats don’t fly off the handel. It seems to be that alot of these celebs are following the same patterns using the same symbols and following the same fate. They’re all young between the 15-25 age range. They rise…they fall. Miley Cirus should be falling anytime now. Garunteed!

  8. kdcruz75

    we just have to claim back that title and become true beneficiaries..
    till then they control us through our own ignorance or SIN ..Socail insurance number

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