How Lindsay Lohan Deals with Paparazzi Following Her Every Move – Lindsay – OWN

Subscribe to OWN: While having lunch at a New York City restaurant, Lindsay hopes to sneak outside to smoke a cigarette. Watch to see h…

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21 Responses

  1. iamkarenh says:

    “We have other things to do.”

    You mean you have other people to stalk.?

  2. mark smith says:

    whats up with her voice??

  3. Risk Danny says:

    Paparazzi is what killed her?

  4. Mz Siddiqui says:

    How about they go and get a real job?!!! Absolute foolery…?

  5. John H says:

    Anyone notice she parked next to a fire hydrant? ?

  6. Francesco Fiorito says:

    That’s exactly how press works, if all celebrities know that, you would not
    hear anyone complain about the paparazzi.. It’s as simple as that, you try
    to organize them, you smile a few seconds for the pictures and that’s
    all.. ?

  7. keith ellis says:

    She looks so good, very beautiful.?

  8. e16c says:

    Hilarious ! get you coming out pics so dont have to wait to leave the place
    lol ?

  9. NakedWithoutMyLippy says:

    Ugh, some aspects of society freak me out. Paparazzi are just weird but I
    heard Lindsay say the day they stop wanting her picture she will be
    worried…So I don’t really know what to think..?

  10. Yasmin El-saeed says:

    ………….”Smoke for a minute”???

  11. e16c says:

    lol gonns smoke in the car with hand out of window that the paps can see
    with a cig lol ?

  12. Julia Wilson says:

    now i want to watch a documentary on paparazzi ?

  13. Benny Jenny says:

    OMG!! f@@# leeches!! They are behaving like she owes them something!!?

  14. Sophie Helman says:

    That must be so annoying. Having a bunch o people say they won’t leave you
    alone til they get your pic, but hey your famous, comes with the title I
    guess ?

  15. Luna Vega says:

    why do they want pictures of her again??

  16. dev karastha says:

    these paparazzis are soo cool though n respectful indeed?

  17. onealyssa4 says:

    Sounds fair trade to me… ?

  18. Irma Oblanca says:

    lol! go matt!!!!?

  19. Blond Thought says:

    Watch, as the Lindsay Lohan, the sometime actress, forms a brief but
    symbiotic liaison with the ever-present paparazzi. ?

  20. malonesbones says:

    wow she REALLY wanted a smoke.?

  21. Zachariha Rachel says:

    She was really cool about the whole deal & it was good that they respected
    her wishes. That in itself creates a lot of stress for her. It would be
    good for her not to have to deal with that as well. She’s been through so
    much already.?