25 thoughts on “HOT BODY PARTS.

  1. heathernichole125

    I like beautiful eyes… and arms and chest on a guy… not really thin where it looks like I could break him but no so buff where he’s got veins popping out all over (I think that”s disgusting!)

  2. AyashaYumi

    Strangely, I like slender guys. I’m not attracted to muscle at all… I like wimps D; Smile is GREAT, and hair I suppose adds appeal.

  3. altboi21

    i like lips and a cute smile thats really what draws me in……i don’t like big muscles and i don’t like supper skinny…..somebody with some meat is what i like

  4. oanochie

    then again how would I know if sex is overrated when I’m a virgin…hmm…I’m so tempted to try it? But oh well, gotta wait ’til marraige.. 🙁

  5. oanochie

    I’m a virgin, 25 yrs old, with a “hot” body: they call it hot because I’m buff, ripped, w/ a nice abdominal defintiion just because I’m into sports..but b/c of my physical features everyone finds it hard to believe that I’m a virgin..t.hey think I’m a player or something…soooo annoying….geez..don’t ppl still believe in waiting ’til marriage b4 sex…oh and I’ve never masturbated b4…so I’ve never seen my own semen..oh yeah! Is that weird?

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