Honda Commercial – Choir FX

using a choir for sound effects … honda commercial choir sound fx effects car

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25 Responses

  1. MoniChick6 says:

    lmao. is it like pictures of rain as some of the music notes?

  2. pablolopez26 says:

    Wow this commercial gives me the goosebumps!

  3. Krmfuentes says:

    My vocal teacher told me to look at this, omgah.
    This is so cool(:
    I hope we could do that sometime.

  4. Krmfuentes says:

    I was just thinking the same thing!
    I would love to get a copy of that.

  5. JuzaPIMPnMOB says:

    this is amazingggg

  6. 104stawstaw says:

    I wonder what their sheet music looks like.

  7. xdelixcroutonx says:

    This is inspirational. :]

  8. genneilyn says:

    wak!!!! hai~~~~~ so cool..

  9. dgtg95926962 says:


  10. musicluvr340 says:

    thats so dang kool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. pablolopez26 says:


  12. marZiAyan0 says:

    amazinG! is this for real?

  13. Letsdothewave says:

    this is far too amusing

  14. vjfit says:

    honda makes THE BEST ads

  15. missygirl708 says:

    what the hell.
    that’s sick XD

  16. Akhin says:

    how is it gay ? xD

  17. richielottoutdoors says:

    My teacher showed us this in class because we were learning about onaponpeioas. I found this so interesting. I think it’s so neat how the choir makes all those sounds and not the car. I swear if it just showed a video of the car I’d think it was the car itself. Honda has a good commerical.

  18. infectedxkira says:

    Is something gay bad?

  19. Hallo2244 says:

    I like it a lot 😀 It;s so cool and unique!

  20. scrnwatch says:

    This commercial is almost as gay as ROTC

  21. Hallo2244 says:

    lol pretty cool 🙂

  22. blaquecherry12 says:

    Creative and ingenious thinking! AWESOME

  23. BloodySnakeBites says:

    That was so amazing @.@

  24. gittar says:

    I sing chorale… this was great work.

  25. junespinosa says:

    amazing! nice work! awesome!!!!! wow!

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