Harry Potter: Hot Hermione by Lindsay Lohan in SNL

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25 Responses

  1. chatterboxgirl14 says:

    does anyone know where the debby downer skit is???

  2. merrygaming4 says:

    Woah I seriously have a boner

  3. LetsStopThisSong says:

    Lol ‘incendio couchio stereo’ got me cracking up!

  4. DaDerpDee says:

    Lindsay lohan looks hot… in this
    Never thought I’d say that, what happened to her? love the accent

  5. pingpongingful says:

    they should’ve had malfoy come in

  6. LordSion45 says:

    now lets go beat a couple of bludgeons.

  7. ShinbiBelldandy says:

    @bfold11 The first two movies were directed by an American Director.

  8. 035472229 says:

    @Calypsythe oh… sorry… 🙁

  9. Calypsythe says:

    @035472229 last part was “now go to bed”

  10. Calypsythe says:

    some of you seem to have never heard of a parody, or at least madtv.

  11. FallenAngel1508 says:

    -“im going to go out to the woods & tame my dragon.”
    -“ah you got a new pet?!”
    HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! love that part 😀

  12. happyhopey19 says:

    @Kesha0o0 all the teachers know how to get into all the houses common rooms what I am wondering is how Hagrid got in??

  13. flirtybirdy69 says:

    that was fuckin stupid

  14. JackDammitRun says:

    why is it only Hermione with the accent?

  15. AwesomeDude2243 says:


  16. MsHarrypotterfan21 says:


  17. 035472229 says:

    Snape just made me lol so hard when he started mumling….
    Snape: that’s fifty pointies from grryfindor… et.. tetotibe!!!

  18. PzMjDpr says:

    if Hermione was really this hot there would be a lot of problems between Ron and Harry trying to see who can lend their “wand” to Hermione so she can do her “homework”…

  19. XeNoNReXeR says:

    whats the movie callled ?

  20. SirezX says:

    I’m sure all the school teacher’s knew all of the common room passwords…but if you were trying to be funny…haha…yes indeed…very good…my previous statement still applies though 😛

  21. MsHarrypotterfan21 says:

    Why is Harry a girl?!? And was this made in the 80’s honestly look at Lindsay’s hair!

  22. mightybroseph says:

    @orkidluver97 ya why is he just in the news sketch its so stupid!! hes really funny!!

  23. mightybroseph says:

    god lindsey lohan is hot!! well before she went crazy

  24. bas1994 says:

    12 people couldn’t tame their dragon

  25. NotUrDreamGrrl20 says:

    “I don’t know but it’s making me nervous and sweaty”