Growing Up Gotti – Season 3, ep.11 – Part 1of2

Another episode about Gotti tans. … growing up gotti victoria john carmine frankie luigi peter tanning salon tan bronzer

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25 Responses

  1. liz10153 says:

    stfu dnt hate cuz u dnt look like den n ur da gay 1. go suck a dick

  2. jtso2004 says:

    And u OFFICIALLY have dickLIPS…
    Go suck a fag….

  3. OmerK says:

    jtso is officially gotti bitch

  4. kaza1978 says:

    I can’t believe retards like Frankie are walking around..what a waste of space!!!

  5. hennie53 says:

    don’t play smart ass with your ‘fuCCin’…eat a dick

  6. jtso2004 says:

    It’s Gotti …. U fuccin’ Stupid ass washed up Netherlands Neanderthal

  7. hennie53 says:

    that’s right , i aint got swag like that but you are a FAG like that … get of ghotti’s dick

  8. jtso2004 says:

    Ur just jealous too… cuz u ain’t got money like that… U broke-ass hata… What a DUMBASS!!! yeah u….ROTFFLMAO

  9. jtso2004 says:

    Ur just jealous …CUZ u ain’t got SWAGG like that…. LOL…

  10. hennie53 says:

    gay tan

  11. ribiniho says:

    LMAO !!!!!!!!!!

  12. owdowdie says:

    I love it. High priced attorney who moonlights as a poet. Geniuses.

  13. ilooveTIESTO says:

    ´frankie marry me

  14. jagarcia1 says:

    MILF is a mother I like to fuck

  15. CshinFrDaPshin says:

    what’s a milf?:)

  16. cubanitaa says:

    LOL i know right?!!?

  17. juventussoccer21 says:

    “I also write poetry”

  18. domephones says:

    Fuck these ginny’s, they’re just gonna launder money outta that tan spot.

  19. babydoll318 says:

    yall people need 2 shut the fuck up yall dont know shgt about the boys and family all that you heard shgt yall wouldnt say shit about them if they didnt have money cuz its some people worser u could imagine and leave them in peace i luv da show and dem

  20. heqie says:

    try re-uploading?

  21. chaldocutie11 says:

    omg the mom is sooooooooooo selfish and annoying lol but ya i just want to bake cookies on carmine

  22. darinlbrow01 says:

    sorry about my last comment i just now read the letter on your profile

  23. darinlbrow01 says:

    why did youtube remove the second part of this video?
    and could you please post the last two episodes?

  24. princessscaitlin says:

    yeah frankie is stoned pretty much everytime i see a video of him.

  25. jagarcia1 says:

    Victoria is a MILF

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