Gorillaz – “Dracula”

the Gorillaz. I was bored and wanted a video for this song on YouTube, so…viola! Lindsay Lohan Call Paris a C*nt Women’s Beach Volleyball: Go Pro or Go Home Wii And Zelda Porn Bum Chase Skate Sex The K-Fed/Britney Sex Tape Kevin Federline finds out about Britney Divorce on FILM Rumsfeld Gets Cute At The Podium Larry King Live – Bill Maher CENSORED Notre Dame vs Air Force preview Lohan response … Dracula Gorillaz Paris Hilton Lohan Porn Sex Boobs Tits Ass Fuck Bitch Hella Hyphy Metal Black …

25 thoughts on “Gorillaz – “Dracula”

  1. SinistrChevy

    the audio of the vampire is from a bugs bunny cartoon were he goes to castle in transylvania it triped me out the other day i was watching the cartoon and this song poped in my head

  2. Lazyguy22

    But they’re not vampires, and you’re ignorant and insenstive for saying that.
    Anyway, I hate the sun for the same reason as gingers.


    my point is all theses people who say they ent real sould go learn something to fill there empty heads and gingers should stay out the sun like really they go nuts 0.o

  4. Lazyguy22

    Sufferers of the disease dislike being called vampires or werewolves – they consider it insensitive. Pophyria sufferers in the middle ages were the origin of the myths – and were hunted down and killed.
    Anyway, they don’t shrivel up and die in the sun.

  5. brucinda01

    You can negatively judge my comment, but i don’t think a comment like “gay as fuck” is very nice and anyone who doesn’t agree can suck my cock. xxx


    vampires are real vampiism is a disease called Pofiria from alcohol and drug abuse, the disease changes the composition in the blood creating a shortage of erythrocytes and iron. the people actually feel better when they eat raw meat and or drink blood.

    if u dont belive me sheach it up on google ”vampirism disease”

  7. wolverinesaidhey

    Hey you better watch out man! Twilight is awesome because you know girsl like those movies! and since I kind of am like that one vampire dude, the main vampire i mean, the girsl would only naturally and surprisingly hugg me… Oh thank you twilight!

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