Get Ready For Lindsay Lohan Poor Decision #73829

And this time it involves the N word. Click ‘Show More’ for related content… Lindsay Lohan — Baby Got Back … Courtesy of Photoshop (PHOTO) Lindsay Lohan-…

23 thoughts on “Get Ready For Lindsay Lohan Poor Decision #73829

  1. In2umniaKillH3r

    So black can use nigga/niggers as they please, whether it’s as an insult or
    a “friendly” way but as soon as any other races use it, it’s considered as
    racist and derogatory. Ain’t that racist in itself? Oh the irony.?

  2. GhettoGospeI

    We black people are retarded to blame someone for using a word that was
    used for racism purpose, but yet, we still use it every single day, worse,
    we promote it in huge hip hop hits. I honestly don’t care if white folks
    use it as long as it’s not meant for racism, as for now it isn’t used in
    the same circumstances.
    We made it stupid, and it’s our own fucking fault, because we use “nigga”
    thinking it doesn’t have the same degree of meaning than “negro” or
    “nigger”. We are hypocrites ourselves, but heh, i must be the worst for
    still using it on a daily basis i guess…. Hell, some mexicans use it, and
    some black guys who are very good friends with white people use it. Who the
    fuck cares already.
    It’s either none of us humans that use it, or everybody.
    I might get offended and find it weird comming from white dudes, but i can
    get my mind around it and think objectively.?

  3. jana kulka

    So…..kanye is okay to say nigger in whatever song or anything else he
    pleases and thats not racist, but Lindsay quoting HIS song it is racist?
    What If Jay-Z quoted it? No one would say anything. I think that’s what’s
    racist about this whole thing! Lol That black people can say anything they
    want, but white people can’t. ?

  4. April Barricks

    Love me some black people but if black people are going to sing about it
    every 5 sec in a song and use it but then segregate who’s going to use it!
    How about white people quit buying music with the n word and quit
    supporting the celebs who pump it to our kids. White people please
    understand that black people are going thru another Its cool to hate white
    people fad again and let’s just let them play by themselves for a while. :)?

  5. Jalo Palo

    I’m black n I honestly don’t give a shit what anyone does or says..but I
    will advise white people not to say this word or u might wake up in a
    hospital with a bullet in ur chest and a bandana shoved down ur throat or
    sum shit,haha some don’t play about that word?

  6. The R.

    Hey white people let’s make a deal! You can say the n-word if you bring
    down these cops from shooting black kids, teens, and men. Along with
    reparations for slavery. Sounds like a plan??

  7. Christian H.

    Wow you people getting mad over whites getting to say one little word but
    blacks can. Let me remind you that there was a time where whites could have
    everything blacks couldn’t. That includes, freedom, rights, and liberty.
    They couldn’t even sit in the front of the damn bus. Whites got everything
    while every other race was treated like shit just because some people
    didn’t like the color of their skin. Is it really such a problem that
    whites can’t get this one thing. I mean after all, they took everything
    else. I don’t think Lindsey did anything wrong, she was just quoting a song
    which is no harm done so I don’t understand why everyone blew up about it.
    But I just find it sad and pathetic that some of the white people in the
    comments are really gonna start trying to talk about what’s racist and
    what’s not as if their people didn’t steal everything they have today from
    so many other races.?

  8. KANI!

    How hard is it to understand.

    ‘Nigger’ is a derogatory term to refer to black people. To cease control of
    the effectiveness of the word black people began to use the word ‘nigga’,
    and throughout the years it has become s commonplace word for the black

    If a white person begins to use the word ‘nigger’ or ‘nigga’ you
    re-introduce derogatory term. A harmless context of not, the same race that
    created the word out of hate later uses it playfully and the connotation is
    forgotten? I don’t think that is right.

    Honestly, can you not let black people have one thing without always trying
    to interfere all the time…?


  9. spicy1ize

    I’m black and I will be SO Happy when Black People STOP giving the Word
    Nigga so much Power….I think Black People feel like they Own the Word now
    so they will Pick and Choose when it’s Ok for another race to use
    it….Other Races love the Word Nigga,and they love to call each other
    Nigga ,just like Black People….People are Fascinated with that
    Word!Nigga/Nigger has to be the Most Controversial Word in History!?

  10. Aprime

    “Quoted the song”.. nothing wrong with that. She should at least be able to
    quote a song. “I ain’t saying she’s a gold digger, but she ain’t messing
    with a broke *______*”. “Oh she’s a gold digger, just thought you should
    know *____*”.?

  11. E Haynes

    In this case she meant no harm but i just dont feel comfortable with a
    white person calling me that because i dont use it..If a black person uses
    it , i feel a certain way but i understand that they are saying it as a
    term of endearment any other person who knows thier motive, i don’t trust

  12. 1975acidburn

    Why is it so bad saying night is part of the everyday language now. White,
    blacks , Hispanics everyone says it. People should be in more of an uproar
    with this fag swag style that’s popular now.?

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