Gay News – Gay Bum Glue Want to learn more about the stories we talk about here are links to all of them below Anthony Woods Miss California Mother Taunts Gay Son Lindsay Lohan Pregnant Iranian Glue Iraq’s gay torture Tags: Gay News Miss California Perez Hilton Lindsay Lohan Iraq Iran Gay Military Don’t ask Don’t Tell Torture Glue mother gay son … Gay News Miss California Perez Hilton Lindsay Lohan Iraq Iran Military Torture Glue Don’t ask …

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25 Responses

  1. matt22playboy says:

    i wan’t your shurt

  2. lhsmbtpt says:

    I like the hardcore Brandenburg no. 5 in the background

  3. ThisBoyTV says:

    Wasn’t always so easy being gay in Canada. Take a look at the Russia Today video on YouTube. The on about how the Russian gays got beat up and put in jail for trying to have a parade this past weekend.

    The people with the baseball bats at the early parades in Edmonton were scary. We were luck because the police were on our side.

  4. skinimo says:

    haha im game! Count me in!

  5. Grimace says:

    Thanks Rextrek for the feed back always appreciate it, we do know that the bum glue is a form of tourture and very real, thats why we put links to all of the stories in the video on the side and also a little annotation on the video to say why are these things happening in this country that we were supposed to liberate. I do think, and you may not agree, that humor can be a way to get the message or rather awarness out there that something is happening. Thanks again always appreciate your feedb

  6. rextrek says:

    very good guys…..tho one thing,that glue true…and its actually a form of torture Used on suspected gays in iraq…it kills them painfully…….so its not funny. otherwise good job….2 thumbs up,and 1 round the world double snap.

  7. noggin48 says:

    I am sure that Pecker and yourself, Grimace, do not suck each others ears. I think that I am correct that I do know who’s ears that you do suck on Grimace. Oh! Just one thing (well two really), If you suck one of a person’s ears, then you must suck on the other one also. If you don’t, there is a danger that you could cause a serious imbalance to the brain 🙂 Pecker needs to find her own Ear-Sucker! Grimace? You are looking even more cute by the day!

  8. nbboi1 says:

    I would hate to have one of those roomates that plays jokes on you when you are asleep, or when you pass out at a party, and they got ahold of some of that glue. Imagine the possabilities. Scary!! I had some pics made of me passed out drunk at a party one time. If I had been awake it would have been quite nice, but passed out it was just creepy and dissapionting I missed it. I will say no more about that, it’s starting to sound creepy here too. haha

  9. Grimace says:

    thanks and much love as always scott

  10. Grimace says:

    thanks you, thank u

  11. Grimace says:

    The time is upon us

  12. Grimace says:

    Yay for Gayness!

  13. Grimace says:

    OMG you so need to do a guest spot on here, we should work something out and you can send us video

  14. Grimace says:

    awe thanks noggin, but truly we can not stand each other, we just try to make it look good in front of the camera 😛

  15. Grimace says:

    I know you are, but what am I? 😛

  16. Grimace says:

    thanks Qi hope you feel better soon good luck on your move, can’t wait to film the next Family feud when you are all settled in.

  17. Grimace says:

    thanks RainbowPagon your the greatest!

  18. Grimace says:

    It Loves You!

  19. Grimace says:

    Why thank you!

  20. scottklaw says:

    Cool. Love the show.

  21. izhawaiian4ever says:

    loved this show!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. thebigfatlamp says:

    i vote gaysus for president 2012!

  23. OhCurt says:

    This was very gay.

  24. skinimo says:

    aha u two are awesome together!!!

  25. noggin48 says:

    You go well together. No, not like baby making! Just two Souls caring about others. 🙂

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