FUZZBOX “Rules and Regulations”

My first ever video made for about 50p in 1984/5 for the fantastic Fuzzbox/Vindaloo Records. Shot on a Beaulieu 4008 with a dodgy motor: perfect for that Fuzzbox home movie look. It’s a bit dark in places, but then we didn’t have any lights to speak of. Lots of bad jokes, including a Fonzy doll getting a BJ from Barbie. In its time it was revolutionary. It was pretty much the first ever DIY music video. Prior to that, Indie bands just had their photos on the Chart Show. This video was shown …

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25 Responses

  1. monsterzero1966 says:

    one of my favorite albums!!

  2. lpilch4 says:

    How I still love these ladies!

  3. porty500 says:

    yeah i took mine out and thought ‘bollocks someones scratched writing on my record’….

    oh my teenage nights dreaming about shagging maggie seem so distant now…

  4. spadesghost says:

    interestoing how they can make a video that is relevant in todays woirld, ie: gay marriage


  5. LumleyBoi says:

    i bought this in 86 bight yellow cover, they were funny as fuck..

  6. spadesghost says:

    OMG ITS ABOUT TIME SOMEONE POSTED THIS, now we need spirit in the sky

  7. stralight321 says:

    Hi Fuzzboxers..
    Can anybody play this song on guitar???…
    I have just had a go and here are some of the chords…E–G–F# (that’s the main part)..I think there is an ‘A’ & ‘D’ aswell?..Can anybody confirm the order of the chords etc?..Bit tricky!

  8. halfmelt says:

    Same here! Think it was Tina

  9. englishbobuk says:

    Blimey this takes me back! I used to watch it on the chart show whenever they decided to feature the indie chart. I had the 7″ of this, which only had tracks on one side and etchings by the band on the other! Great stuff! I always had a crush on the blonde one, but I forget her name!

  10. kevsickboy says:

    fuck i loved this! and the album was brilliant. anyone know if its available anywhere?

  11. ooJaydeeoo says:

    she lives in accocks green… shes still mad and a lesbian ha she got ripped off by music never made any money out of it i shall see her friday at my nanas funeral… she did wanted to go back to ireland but doubt shell go now…

  12. danrlebert says:

    sorry my bad! this was the one early track with guitar in it

  13. danrlebert says:

    what is she doing now?

  14. danrlebert says:

    No chords its a fuzzed up bass riff!

  15. danrlebert says:

    maggie was always my fave!!

  16. ooJaydeeoo says:

    Tina O’Neill is my cousion…

  17. elo15e says:

    fantastic! I loved this!

  18. shayla0202 says:

    You gotta go to school, follow the rules, do what people say and don’t make a fool of yourself, work your brain until your head bursts, pass all of your exams…gawd can’t be arsed wi’ rest, somebeans! lol!

  19. gobtv says:

    That’s my favourite moment too. She was a star…I’m sure I wasn’t the only one to have a crush.

  20. mcdonchris says:

    LOL Tina at .40 trying to get up on that wall…too cute.

  21. nelsonfoul says:

    i saw this band a long time ago in detroit michigan, i think during the sound check the dummer broker her arm or something,so they started real late,with the costume girl filling in, but a great show

  22. somebeans says:

    Anyone know where I get the lyrics? I can’t make out half what she’s singing. Must be Vix’s Brummie accent. LOL

  23. toddmckinneyspants says:

    FANTASTIC!! thanks for posting, still have this on 7″ blue vinyl.

  24. stralight321 says:

    Does anybody know the guitar chords to this classic please?

  25. thevideoGuy42 says:

    hope he Loves the tunes. Brilliant use of technology, i bet it sounds great

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