[FULL] Ellen’s “Lindsay Lohan” Episode (2006-05-10) [Part 2/5]

The Ellen DeGeneres Show (2006-05-10) [FULL] Ellen’s “Lindsay Lohan” Episode [Part 2/5]: Lindsay Lohan’s Interview [FULL] ELLEN’S “LINDSAY LOHAN” EPISODE: [Part 1]: Ellen’s “Going Right” Monologue www.youtube.com [Part 2]: Lindsay Lohan’s Interview www.youtube.com [Part 3]: Lindsay Lohan Talks “Just My Luck” www.youtube.com [Part 4]: Ty Pennington visits Ellen www.youtube.com [Part 5]: Chris Isaac Performs “Wicked Game” www.youtube.com Enjoy 🙂

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19 Responses

  1. vickie15297 says:

    yeh i agree with smile4me02 loads of childstars miley cyrus dakota fanning 🙂

  2. jairei1 says:

    ellen loves LiLo…
    hope ellen guides her..

  3. naleyfangrl says:

    man,its so sad that her acting talent is wasted…

  4. Smile4me02 says:

    actually, there are alot.
    daniele radcliffe [+ the other two], amanda bynes, hilary duff, besides getting into jail for loitering shia lebouf…the list goes on and on.

  5. abcumm23 says:

    GREAT answer somegirl. LOL

  6. LadyCraven says:

    You can definitely see the difference between today’s Lindsay and then Lindsay. She’s very pretty in here.

  7. somegirl435 says:

    Ron Howard

  8. redfish87 says:

    Name a child star that hasn’t become messed up.

  9. cyanure7 says:

    this is the best hair look for Ellen.. she looks very cute

  10. Kakarota14790 says:

    The old Lindsay was awesome, she’s in so deep troubles rigth now with how she behaves.

  11. FrozenKataya234 says:

    she wass so cute

  12. aLexaDaGio says:

    I love her *-*

  13. JBmiddleOFnoWHERE says:

    “or is he just going to be an illusion” – lol

  14. watchingvideos87 says:

    why? she’s better now

  15. Pozoe12 says:

    ugh wat did she friggin DO 2 her life, god!!!!! i guess it just all caught up 2 her and watever, but man her life wazz good n then she had 2 go n wreck itzzzz

  16. nooriskandar says:

    i miss old lindsay

  17. gurlalugeng says:

    Rofl she was hilarious xDD

  18. debswester says:


  19. ofcoursecali says:


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