freaky friday lindsay lohan p.5

nice nice now part(five)! :d

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25 Responses

  1. xentrixgen says:

    laggy! re upload please

  2. leahnicole009 says:

    I loveeeee this movie and Evan is my favorite!

  3. TheNakedQuack says:


  4. lizziebabes90 says:

    Shaping up means getting some common sense.

  5. marija459 says:

    whats that mean?

  6. gigglez2alot says:

    you lied to me your a liar! hahaaha

  7. pearlsrrare says:

    haha its boris from the original version of this movie.

  8. Brunette08291992 says:

    this part is Lagy… THANKs tho..

  9. helenTheUtubeUser says:

    “that’s baaad! baaad mom award!” lol

  10. krystalandsami says:

    thts a gurl

  11. canadagirl18 says:

    lmao,Evan is so funny!
    “Shall we go in here and do it?” lol

  12. solomunn2008 says:

    lol “nooooooo boris!”
    hehe, i think her mum looks good after the makeover 🙂
    i <3 this movie

  13. horselovestiger says:


  14. xokatiexgrace says:


  15. lizziebabes90 says:

    “She is totally ruining our lives”.

    If my friend said that to me about my mother, I’d tell her to shape the hell up.

  16. saamagan says:

    the filming sucks!!its too laggy

  17. paigethalia says:

    this is a lot of clips to go thru.. anyone know which part on here has the scene in gym class?? Heather Hach (writer of this and LB the musical) has a cameo..and I didn’t know until just now.

  18. lilmisdipsetay says:

    “lmao at 5:04”

  19. LoveAnimals83 says:

    I wouldn’t sabotage my mom’s body..that’s messed up. I would make it better!!!

  20. MollyMassacree says:

    Are you serious?
    If I was in my moms body, i’d sabatoge it, not make it better.

  21. jacobman17 says:

    its laggy

  22. Sakura8134 says:

    “WHOA SHE’S BLIND!!!!!!!!”


  23. KINGPWNN says:

    from ur throat…to my thighs…lolz

  24. ezgarl says:

    kevin, eaton …..EVEN!! ………..lolz

  25. Aytonay1027 says:

    its blurry

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