freaky friday lindsay lohan p.10(last part)

Finally!!the last part! part 10!! and the movie is DONE! the end:)

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25 Responses

  1. ShesCruzen says:

    Yeah I know it’s just I wish I could hear the end 🙁 Now I know what a deaf person feels like… sad!

  2. katieontoast says:

    its not his/her fault, the rest of the movie was amzing and great quality….

  3. xpandoraskissx says:

    forty foot echo – brand new day is the song

  4. Rachel7884 says:

    gawd its funny when the boys says “why dont you ask her you old fart” but without the sound it aint funny

  5. ShesCruzen says:

    OMG this sucks! There is no sound!

  6. 4snowlover says:

    this is the best song in the movie and they just disable the audio like that. cruel

  7. daddyslittlebtx says:

    can anyone tell me what song is playing when lindsay is dancing with chad please? =)

  8. 3shootingStarz says:

    this sucks. cant hear anything they say. but still, the couples r so cute! i wan chad’s lips on mine 2!

  9. nadinem904 says:

    what’s the name of the song? 🙂

  10. lacuesta022 says:

    many people is uploading videos without permission with the producer of the movie. is it ok for youtube?

  11. LiefsteCamilla says:

    the fact that the longest word in your ‘sentence’ was spelled wrong, says a lot.

  12. headlicestop says:

    u r a slut u shager

  13. LiefsteCamilla says:

    you are pretty ignorant, when it comes to reading, if i may say. josiejusticex just meant to say that people cannot just ‘become’ a lesbian. you’re either born that way or you want the attention, which wouldn’t surprise me that much, i must say. but ok.
    and yes she did do drugs. but who cares? 99% of hollywood does drugs.

  14. MickeyMouseFan11 says:

    omg!!!….lindsay is soooooooo lucky….i mean its CHAD!!!!….anyways, thnx for uploadin!!!

  15. jossy1108 says:

    ok wellf irst i didnt say being a lesbian is a bad thing. second, i said tht she DID do drugs not tht she is RIGHT NOW . so why dont u calm down. ok..? nd fyi im not ignorant!

  16. JosieJusticeX says:

    Yes, because becoming a lesbian just happens. And she doesn’t do drugs, she just drinks and parties a lot.

    I hate ignorant people.

  17. jossy1108 says:

    wow linsday lohan changed a lot now she lesbian nd she took drugs !

  18. oxluvuchrisbrownxo says:

    NOOOO!! ooookay! lol that chinese woman is so funny

  19. Ch11cka says:

    haha! they should totally make a part 2 about the grandpa and harry:P that’d be hilariouz:P

  20. Nawaz101 says:

    kick ass solo

  21. Nawaz101 says:


  22. blondeqtee says:

    if you freeze it right as Harry and Grandpa are getting tackled you can tell Harry had a stunt double. 2:39

  23. misau37 says:

    nice movie^^ her little brother is so cute=P little punk hehehe

  24. misau37 says:

    so happy togetheeeer~~

  25. McflyLover930 says:


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