freaky friday lindsay lohan p.1

Enjoy^_^ watch part 2 next!!:) see ya!

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25 Responses

  1. Bonsbooty says:


  2. rhythmicsoul23 says:

    youtube wouldn’t find the vid n do this sorta stuff if we don’t rate it. Or if we rate it real low.

  3. marija459 says:

    you dont have to write the right things were not in school
    so back off ass hole

  4. PinkChocolat07 says:

    Correct version: Are you stupid? Not “your stupid?” And it’s “doesn’t”not “dosnt”—check your own spelling before you decide to call somebody stupid.

  5. polivui says:

    could you please just try to get the sound back??

  6. umsulieman says:

    thanks 🙂

  7. KidsWithGuns1992 says:

    Goddamn youtube.

  8. marija459 says:

    your stupid ? it does work
    and its dosnt

  9. Dizziiiie15 says:

    Freaky Friday Movie part 1 on my channel 😀

  10. Dizziiiie15 says:

    Part 1 of freaky friday is on my channel …

  11. cooldreamer524june says:

    this sucks!

  12. bubbsx3 says:

    this is patheitc it dont even work!

  13. Fuffuloo says:

    why is there no sound!?

  14. desireejuanes says:


  15. flippofem says:

    sorry.. 😛

  16. lhgfljrandom says:


  17. flippofem says:

    not here ^^

  18. lhgfljrandom says:

    wheres the sound?!!!

  19. fengtauu says:

    its so stupid!!!! part 1 and the last part have no sound. so stupid. ):

  20. Dizziiie15 says:

    I removed it because youtube copyright!! its stupid but i can give you a website…

  21. 3shootingStarz says:

    but i cant find it, can u send it 2 me?

  22. Dizziiie15 says:

    I got part 1 on my Channel ! with the sound aswell … better quailty aswell … Enjoy!

  23. rizza05leah says:

    why does the part 2 has a s0unds?
    can you actually watch a movie without understanding the part 1, goodness!

  24. hexOmedelaOfux says:


  25. vallmuu says:

    f u utube.

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