First Look: Lindsay Lohan on Oprah’s Next Chapter – Oprah Winfrey Network

Tune in Next Sunday, August 18, at 9/8c. Subscribe to OWN: Oprah and Lindsay Lohan come together for an exclusive, highly anticipated c…

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7 Responses

  1. TheCandlekane says:

    No, what’s disgusting is a person getting 2 DUI’s and doing no jail time, and repeatedly escaping punishment for when breaking the law over and? over again just because she is rich and famous.

  2. SherbertFoxMusic says:

    It was her? choice. Do you own her body? No. Shut up.

  3. dasianewman says:

    She’s had her lips done?

  4. tytheeman20 says:

    A: powder cocaine?

  5. Onmypedestal says:


  6. MeMyself AndI says:

    That prison inmate orange is somewhat? fitting…

  7. Noveleffect says:

    I’m so glad they’re giving? her a chance to speak up. It’s disgusting the way the media and people attack her. I sincerely hope the best for Lohan.