First (instrumental/karaoke)

Lindsay Lohan-First instrumental (with lyrics) … Lindsay lindsay Lohan lohan First first Karaoke karaoke instumental Instrumental

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15 Responses

  1. chezza4eva says:

    thanks! x

  2. danielleissmiling says:

    HAHHAHAHA good times singing this when i was a newbie. 😀

  3. fefebabe2 says:

    i love it,very good.thanks so much.

  4. aliciafranco says:

    awesomeee love yaaaaaaa

  5. Musicfreak80 says:

    Where can I download this?

  6. MyLastView says:

    Perfect! Thanks!

  7. rockprincess1992 says:

    thx 🙂

  8. shesaidglam13 says:

    wow! you did such a great job on this! congrats =]

  9. rescuechick25 says:

    i hate lindsay lohan so much, but i love this song. i wish it was someone else who sang it!

  10. feeldaWIND says:

    thanks so much, this is the only vid on youtube of this song!

  11. jessy2809 says:

    it’s the chorus

  12. philstaceyfan123987 says:

    what’s with the black screen at the end?

  13. MileyAndJamieRocks says:


  14. Shanex36 says:


  15. brainey006 says:

    soo greatttttttttttttttt

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