Fantasy Story (

“Lohan” Buson and Fabien Garcia. This time the story was set in a fantasy ancient time and we would include swords choreography. The idea of the story was to show that people often fight against each other but in fact are fighting for the same reason and are really not so diferent from each other. The permanent crew on Fantasy Story was like on our previous movies very limited: Fumika was in charge of the make up; Fabien Garcia the director, and lead actor as well as Laurent “Lohan” Buson …

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24 Responses

  1. 1202migue says:

    Wow Lohan and Fabien make awesome enemies!

  2. GrapeFruit0point2 says:


  3. naga0 says:

    I knew it – Peter Jackson stole the music from here..

  4. ptoda123 says:

    i really liked 3:41 to 3:44

  5. Hospitaller says:

    Hmm… good choreography. Actually, VERY good choreography, and most of the cinematography moves with it very well. The only flaw lies in your actual katas. You kinda tried to cover it up by having lots of acrobatics, but the actual weapon movements were slow, cautious, and few. Next time you decide to work with weapons, I suggest you spend more time on the sword strikes themselves. Make them fast, crisp, and clear. It’d be a lot better.

  6. IronMonk0 says:

    i just cant get enough

  7. yogurtpimp says:

    what were the complications

  8. yogurtpimp says:

    what were the complications

  9. yogurtpimp says:

    wushu fighting elves……….shits awesome

  10. yogurtpimp says:

    you are incredibly cool for not biting that dudes head off

  11. RoyalRoboMonkey says:

    wow you guys must really know how to spend your money, cause that was pretty cool and in a hollywood movie it would have cost like 500,000 for whatever reason.

  12. yangbin says:

    Franchement pas mal du tout! Je suis assez impressionné, dommage que le film est incomplet…en esperant voir une suite !

  13. lanz0r4tehwin says:

    Peter Jackson stole all of his ideas for his movies, do you think he should give back the 20 something Ocsars they collectively won?

  14. SamSlothel says:

    mattajon, if you can make a movie better than this one, with 400 dollars and completely original ideas, then you can justify bitching about this movie. the creators haven’t sneakily stolen ideas because the audience knows where the major inspirations came from and it’s an “action short” so the action is the focus (i think)…i think that z-team deserve the arse-kissing which is why i’ve made myself look like a grovelling weirdo

  15. didiwushu says:

    yes you are right, but the idea was to make something like lord of the ring with a very low budget; 400 US dollars 😉

  16. mattajon says:

    umm… so this is a nice blend of stolen Lord of the Rings and House of Flying Daggers ideas.

    not even worthy of an award if you’re just going to copy people

  17. 02dartda says:

    yeah virtual vison was great
    amazing wirework stunts

  18. johnnycagetheboss says:

    zteam are cool….^^

  19. WhiplashFreak says:

    If I ever get my hands on 25’000 dollars Its going all to you!!!!!

  20. zukuzukuzukuzuku says:

    for four-hundred that was absolutely amazing. I feel compeeled to sell my house to help you finish it but i suppose that’s going a little too far.

  21. CamperCz says:


  22. resti208 says:

    Yeah they’re good! start to love em too!

  23. kalel810 says:

    man the z team rock i have seen all of there films im big fan i think Virtual Vision is the best one ps u guys rock

  24. IIPyRoII says:

    Finish it! 🙂

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