Extraordinary By Mandy Moore (HQ Sound)

live for the first time at the official first televised ceremony of the Brick Awards on The CW, though she has also performed the song at a number of smaller gigs. The song is included in the trailer of the film Georgia Rule, which stars Lindsay Lohan. The song was also played on an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition where Moore was brought to the family’s new home. Billboard magazine said that “Moore’s once-girlish vocals now project a richer, more purposeful texture, well-suited to the …

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16 Responses

  1. animeanmusicluver says:

    she’s REALLY refined her voice, restrained it too much i think

  2. waggeleendje says:

    I just heared this song on the end of ‘Georgia Rule’. I had to find it. LOVE IT!!

  3. mrsgrandberry2005 says:

    I love this song!

  4. ameenakb says:

    yeah she does sound different.

  5. nl6 says:

    She sounds different doesn’t she?

  6. missdirection says:

    i love her voice but this song is a bit soft-rocky and too old for her.

  7. jenniferhenry907 says:

    i dont get it;; this doesnt sound like her att alll

  8. citygurl104 says:

    love this song

    it plays during the credits of “Georgia Rule” and always makes me feel good and inspired

  9. Dj16Flo says:

    Don’t laugh at this! Just do it
    Start thinking something you really really want cause this is
    astounding the person that sent this to me said their wish came true 10
    mins after they read the mail so I thought what the heck
    You have just been visited by DrSuess’s Cat in the Hat. He will grant
    one wish
    Make your wish when? the count down is over
    Send this to 10 videos within the hour you read this.
    If you do, your wish will come true

  10. ameira1234 says:

    when i heard da kids stories i started 2 cry u
    guys should see it

  11. janexlovexmilo says:

    omg i used to love this song i didnt know there a music video for it!

  12. darkgirl4564 says:

    kidding i love this song its awsome and why do u think shes sucks shes awsome shes realy realy realy realy realy cool yeahhh

  13. darkgirl4564 says:

    this song sucks i swaer oon my world why why why why why why why why why why why why

  14. caligurlsd101 says:

    when she sand this on exreme makeover home edition…she sounded amazing…she still now tho

  15. mdtolentino says:

    I love the extraordinary woman “MANDY MOORE”!

  16. zephytas says:

    amazing video

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