EXCLUSIVE: Lindsay Lohan Comments On Travolta Boy Death

Lindsay Lohan Comments On Travolta Boy Death 1/03/09

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25 Responses

  1. missyalo says:

    1. Cover your mouth with your hand.
    2. Make a wish.
    3. Close your hand(make a fist).
    4. Hold your hand to your heart for 5 seconds.
    5. Thank GOD and JESUS for every thing they have done for you.
    6. Comment this to three other videos.
    7. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life

  2. HOLYpinkGRASSHOPPER says:

    What Ever she Wants too

  3. anam257 says:

    What does Lindsay Said?

  4. highschoolrocks2008 says:

    1.put your hand over your mouth
    2.make a wish in your hand
    3.make it into a fist
    4.put against your heart for 5 seconds
    5.put this? on 3 videos
    6.tomorrow will be the best day of your life

  5. HeadNtheClouds says:

    god, what a fucking asshole paperazzi to use a horrible tragedy like that to try to get famous…. dickholle!!

  6. karyfuzz says:


  7. laughtoutloudvideos says:

    º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨ post to 9 other vids
    ¨°º¤ø„¸ Copy „ø¤º°¨ press F5 twice
    ¸„ø¤º°¨Paste “°º¤ø„¸ OK
    ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º look at ur background

  8. deathitself7 says:

    I didnt start this ok? dnt read this (cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur lifehwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv started readn ths dnt stp this is so scary snd this ovr 2 5 vids? in 143 mins when ur done press f6 nd ur crush’s name wll appear on the screen n big letters ths is so scary cuz it actully wrks ths really wrks

  9. Fandangous says:

    doesnt look like linsay lohan to me…

  10. meghanscotti says:

    young gun?hahahahahahahahahaha
    but seriously thank you for the education

  11. gboly2 says:

    That’s right my young gun. Believe it or not people get fucked up in other countries for out of control behavior. You should listen and make a mental note, before you go abroad and find yourself crying for a diplomat from the American Embassy. Crash your car into trees, smoke pot, and go dyke in a conservative country and see if their laws don’t go crazy on your ass. On the other hand, you can keep your ass local and not have to deal with that, providing you’re not in the Carolinas or Texas.

  12. meghanscotti says:

    whoa hate much?
    she would have been shot in any other country? lmfao

  13. 6126playground says:

    Thats really terrible
    and lindsay well done

  14. tomwalsh94 says:

    eww shes gross

  15. gboly2 says:

    Fuck gay ass Lindsey Lohan. She would’ve been shot in any other country. Dysfunctional seed from white trash parents. What do you expect? Let her sniff all the cocaine she can get her hands on. Maybe she’ll put us all out of our misery. Fuck. I get so irritated when I see this chick.

  16. diamond1x12 says:

    Cmon now guys everyone has flaws…Lindsay is just the same as us. Just because she’s a celebrity it gets televised more.. I mean honestly.. UH OH LINDSAY LOHAN IS AN ALCOHOLIC!! SO FUCKING WHAT?!? who cares?…I’m just saying it’s not worth arguing if she’s perfect or not..

  17. DMMP28 says:

    I know that she has fans on here and everything but people shouldn’t get mad at other people for pointing out her flaws. Everyone has them and Lindsay isn’t as perfect as emeraldpixie thinks she is.

  18. thesweetestthing5 says:

    my pleasure, i really had to get that off my chest.

  19. thesweetestthing5 says:

    i want to point out that in your comment right before mine you said the exact opposite- that we all do know who lindsay is. so what is your real point? that we do or do not know her?

  20. DMMP28 says:

    Now now Lindsay is a fine actress and it’s everyone else’s fault that her life is the way it is. And yes it will be the nuns fault.

  21. DavyBaby1945 says:

    you know what i am getting tired of fighting with lohans one and only fan i have shit to do. you go on worshipping your god lohan and when she is driving drunk and kills a bus full of nuns i am sure it will be the nuns fault right we should give lohan a break she had one good movie when she was like nine that makes her like judy garland right? i dont think so cause judy had class something that crack head lohan dont.

  22. DMMP28 says:

    You remind me of that Chris Crocker guy and his Britney Spears video. Not everyone has to like Lindsay Lohan. Not everyone will like Lindsay Lohan. It’s a part of life. Not everyone will like who you like. Deal with it, get over it, move on with your life. Go rent Mean Girls or something.

  23. emeraldpixie says:

    sorry still didn’t catch what you said! Your spelling and grammar hasn’t improved I see! As if I’m going to take a half wit like you seriously, ha ha!

  24. DavyBaby1945 says:

    dont pass a cow at DMMP28 because she doesnt agree with you about crack head lohan. do you have candlelight visuals for lohan in your room at night when you are all alone dreaming of all the things you and your imagantion can do with lohack if you ever meet her. wise up hoehan dont care about anybody unless she can get something from it do you think you would be at the top of her list.

  25. emeraldpixie says:

    No you’re ignorant that your opinion of Lindsay is based upon what you have read in the Tabloids about her! And it’s called a ‘comment’ not a message! Messages are the private comments!

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