Ew with Jimmy Fallon and Lindsay Lohan

Jimmy shows a clip from the Teen Nick show “Ew.” Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: http://full.sc/IcjtXJ Watch Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Week…

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24 Responses

  1. K Parker says:

    I haven’t been able to watch this video yet, but is it just me or does the background of the thumbnail look like? the house from Victorious

  2. tonyrodriguezzz says:


  3. sahalanimation says:

    i almost forgot how hot Lindsay Lohan is..wow ..just wow..I hope she keeps up with this .but really, the channing? tatum one is the best lol

  4. TheTrippleTKA says:

    ew it’s Lindsay! ?

  5. Ciclopea2 says:

    It’s gonna be EEEWWW! LMAO, love Gary, i know, Ew? 😛

  6. 1dlover393 says:

    I think channing tatunum was? better

  7. RipFreak11 says:

    Haha hilarious vid, nice job jimmy and? lindsay!

  8. dani merp says:

    It’s? so great knowing that? Jimmy always had her back, and that Lindsay keeps getting better. still rooting for you Lindsay!

  9. Kris Trolinger says:

    Hamburger Helper? Haters! EW

  10. Stephanie McLoughlin says:

    No one will ever compare to Channing Tatum?

  11. Kelly Aung says:

    if you have parents? like hers and grew up in show biz,you would end up way worse than her. I know I am,so don’t judge.

  12. Issam Ben Mekki says:

    3:58 Lindsay couldn’t help it not to laugh !?

  13. Israel Campillo says:

    This is gold?

  14. deneesie25 says:

    I? think that teen room needs more furniture and decorations from Ikea to be realistic.

  15. Roro Lovato says:

    We? want more jimmy pls

  16. AirbornChipmunks says:

    i love? her soooo much so glad she’s backkkk

  17. eoinedward91 says:

    Gary the stepdad? is the best

  18. nunezheidy says:

    Linsdayyyy? you’re back <3 !!!!!

  19. misst919 says:

    Thx for giving LILO a chance.. Lindsay? recognize it!

  20. MrBadMedichine says:

    Parris Hilton’s doodie stained Undies after a night of whoring and Cocaine Ewwww. Kim Kardashion’s breath after making that sick Porno with that disgusting Ray Jay fuck Ewww . Hilary Clinton stressed out lumpy ass bombing the? White House toilet after she found out we have proof of her issuing the order to let the Ambassador and his staff be killed by Obama funded Terrorist’s (Confirmed) Ewww. And that Lindsay, wow ya know! she has never looked more beautiful. Always did heart heart that dame.

  21. Meaneviljoe says:

    Lindsay’s? ugly.

  22. johnweb83 says:

    He kind of sounds like Harry? Cary lol

  23. Altmetalpunk says:

    lidsay looks? like she finally let the botox wear off… thank god.

  24. Sara Kami?ska says:

    “I’m Sara and if you’re wondering that’s S-A-R-A with no? H cause Hs are EW!”
    Hell yeah!