Episode 7 – Lindsay Lohan

confessions of a teenage drama-queen

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7 Responses

  1. caestvs says:

    No problem, I just don’t want the Media to get started up on her again. I can’t allow to see an Italian/Irish girl get defiled like that. So go easy on this chick, that’s all!!Sorry for being a dick!!

  2. ItalianStaLione says:

    lmfao guys we’re kidding, take a joke and relax a lil bit

  3. caestvs says:

    I was telling you not to? call yourself “ugly” and “old”, because your not. And then I proceeded to bash the makers of the video, because they are fucking white trash. Capice? Jesus!!! LOL your fucking crazy!!

  4. funkbebe says:

    people who repress gay feelings always have strong emtional and hateful reactions to gay people. if you’re sure in your sexual identity and you’re not a peeping-tom pervert, thinking about what others do in the privacy of their house isn’t a thought you entertain.

    you’re gay, girl! too bad you’re too homely and fat to get any.

  5. funkbebe says:

    you might focus on a point before you begin typing. order your thoughts than start again.

    WHAT were you trying to say?

  6. caestvs says:

    (funkbebe) go easy on yourself there sweet heart! You don’t deserve to call yourself that.
    okay, What in the fuck is this trailerpark bs? Hey pig nose you and your tard friends picked the wrong girl to be mean too!! Please don’t get me started!!!!

  7. funkbebe says:

    i’m a very ugly born again girl with repressed latent-lesbian feelings.

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