Emma Watson – Rumors

facts about her personal life. Just because Emma Watson is famous doesn’t mean she isn’t a regular person like u and me. We shouldn’t be exposing her we should be respecting her. So here is a video with pictures of Emma that she actually wants people to see. Hope you like it!! PS. there are no, I repeat, NO private pictures or clips of Emma Watson in my video. Song: Rumors By: Lindsay Lohan Program Used: Windows Movie Maker (Vista) Don’t forget to rate and comment!!! … Emma Watson Rumors …

25 thoughts on “Emma Watson – Rumors

  1. kittycat001

    It’s b/c she’s famous, that’s the only reason people care, they’re all idiots in my opinion, but realize that the people who look at the pictures and read the stories are just as bad b/c they’re the one’s encouraging it. Take away the publicity and they have nothing

  2. Huskiebat6889

    I love the video and I also hope it will tell other people to not be such morons to her by posting inappropriate pics of Emma Watson on youtube. I would never post inappropriate pics or even naked pics of her. It’s just wrong. Emma, you rock!!!!

  3. xyzizzle

    I don’t get why people would trash this girl of all people. She’s not trashy, skanky, born super-rich, or acts like an idiot. She’s pretty good and a good actress. Who the hell cares if she shops for thongs and may be dating boys? She’s a teenager and that’s normal!!

  4. WeeImmy

    Harry Potter is amazing and Emma is not ugly although i don’t like her acting skills there are over rated for someone who in my opinon cannot act

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