EMINEM MEETS BRUNO’S ASS!!! Eminem and Bruno MTV Movie Awards. LMFAO!!! [HQ]

MTV Awards Slim Shady/Eminem Gets Punk’d By Bruno MTV Awards Slim Shady/Eminem Gets Attacked By Bruno MTV Awards Slim Shady/Eminem Gets Punk’d By Bruno MTV Awards … eminem gets embarassed mtv movie awards teabagged bruno screw up balls in face my name is slim shady Eminem Gets Attacked By Bruno MTV Awards 2009 Brand New Relapse 50 Cent Before Self Destruct Dr.Dre Detox marshall mathers we made you sarah palin jessica simpson lindsey lohan rehab music video Lil Wayne Show Performance Owned …

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25 Responses

  1. elbarto63 says:

    i think eminem enjoyed it look at his face!

  2. elbarto63 says:

    lol go bruno i don’t like eminem!

  3. raaxeeye08 says:

    kinda shady if you ask me lmao

  4. SinZCrosS says:

    Eminem kiss Bruno’s ass…ooppss i mean kick Bruno’s ass…haha

  5. honda1985 says:

    u killed it mofo u fruit cup

  6. buachailgomaith says:


  7. buachailgomaith says:

    oooh hist poodleshack!

  8. lucisak says:

    kreteni jakej curak ho takhle zesmesnil rozkopuho a toho andela taky curaci !!!!!

  9. 77988victoria says:

    look feminem is a fag and no other rapper would do this cuz it s gay as fuck

  10. andycabby says:


  11. Jazmin2BDay says:

    he is freaking gay like wat the hell is worng with this doode and people was laughing but that wasn’t funny at all!!!

  12. bigcusy says:

    king shady

  13. 306732 says:

    you are all a bunch of idiot! this was planned by Brunos character and Eminem to make people laugh…. how many gangster rappers would go along with that? he is a ledged!

  14. pinkpanies3000 says:

    I AM!



  16. fretalian says:


  17. rottwieler20 says:

    Fucking legend borat and bruno rules..Eminem now sucks cock and balls and smells farts haha ha

  18. eaga321 says:

    i hope this eminem don’t go to the funeral of michel jackson!!! he’s deserve that!!!

  19. dojunmarn2 says:

    Are you really a human being. Piss off, you wanker!!!

  20. lougoble says:

    “capped his gay ass up” A very homosexual sounding tern of phrase.

  21. lougoble says:

    Are you really an American?

  22. rancid2008 says:

    Of course God loves me! I’m white!

  23. 77988victoria says:

    feminem staged this gay shit to be the first gay white rapper soon all the white rappers will follow feminems lead lol feminem u d man r women whichever u perfer lol

  24. imovievideo says:

    Lol. I Love Sacha Baron (L)

  25. PutrescentSoul says:


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