Eminem And Stewie – Family Guy (HD)

Eminem And Stewie – Family Guy 2009 … “Season ! ?” familyguy brian stewie dinner out with desiree drag dress up restaurant date cross dog baby hulu desaray eminem slim shady marshall mathers we made you sarah palin jessica simpson lindsey lohan rehab music video dr dre 2pac 50cent Eminem And Stewie Family Guy

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25 Responses

  1. emyllsomar says:

    What do you mean by “his kind”? You fucking prick.

  2. JiMMyJaM08061991 says:

    it would be so good if em was on a full episode.

  3. jenn1ifer says:

    r u a gay baby? haha!!!

  4. RenoBoys says:

    i love when retards fight over youtube comments:D

  5. some18youknow says:

    Shut the fuck up bitzkitized why u starting arguments that have no reason. Nice combac thogh.lol

  6. Bizkitized says:

    bitch, my 5 minutes of fame? your the USELESS one here because you try being all fucking tough with your racism and your bullshit. And that’s funny how you say I prolly didn’t finish HS you can’t even fucking spell, now go ahead and snowball your dad you pathetic piece of horse shit.

  7. djEvilDude says:

    get lost, you 5 minutes on fame are over…carry on with your usless and pointless life, I bet you didn’t even finish HS, LOL

  8. Bizkitized says:

    Whoa bitch, you don’t even know me and if you met me YOU’D be on your knees begging for mercy you pussy ass faggot. When I talk shit online I back it up in reality bitch so suck a dick and get a life ya stupid cunt.

  9. djEvilDude says:

    don’t bullshit with me…you wanted to look like a big man, ha?
    you ain’t nothing but a thug wanna be…big mouthed moron
    I love it when idiots like you talk shit online, cuz in person you’ll get on your knees, promise.

  10. Bizkitized says:

    trust me bro, don’t give me any shit. This time ain’t good for it buddy.

  11. djEvilDude says:

    whoa, lol
    Flame away..is that all your vocabulary allows you to say?

  12. Bizkitized says:

    Eminem isn’t as white as you make him out to be and for the third time you douchebag that racism ain’t helping you any you stupid cum guzzling man whore.

  13. djEvilDude says:

    white as “em” ?
    then that would make you….let me see….yep…white trash
    nigger lover

  14. Bizkitized says:

    actually you faggot ass hater I’m white, and the nasty ass racist shit still ain’t getting you noticed motherfucker. Go suck your daddy’s dick and commit suicide.

  15. djEvilDude says:

    Oh just STFU…
    Is that how they talk in the “ghetto”?
    LOL…Go fuck ur lil sis or something you fucking ape..

  16. Bizkitized says:

    Alright first off, It’s twitter you stupid fuck and I don’t use it because that shit isn’t even worth signing up for. Second off racism ain’t making your dumb ass any more noticeable so there is no need to try and get noticed by being a racist and a hater. Have a good day bitch!

  17. djEvilDude says:

    Oh please, I tell you what…post this on you tweeter page and bitch about it.

    BTW. “em” is just like fred durst and britney…thay all came out of the trailer park…

  18. Bizkitized says:

    Lets face facts, you ain’t shit. So don’t be trying to be a bad ass by bashing Em because you hate rap and you can’t equal up to a damn thing. Fuck off ya damn hater.

  19. EducationWasteLand says:

    whats the point of being racist…..none

  20. djEvilDude says:

    nope, I despise his kind

  21. JiMMyJaM08061991 says:

    so u like lil wayne

  22. djEvilDude says:

    eminem sucks…he is pure white trash!!!

  23. JiMMyJaM08061991 says:

    hes gay thts why, hes been acting gay from season 5

  24. ShirtRipperT says:

    that was lame

  25. McWendyJackBellKing says:

    wow i was kinda bummed when i missed it on t.v but seeing that this was it im kinda glad i didnt sit through 30min to watch 25seconds of EMINEM

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