Dynamo Levitating Lindsay Lohan Revealed

How did Dynamo levitate Lindsay Lohan? Finally it is revealed. If you don’t want to know how it was done don’t watch.

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25 Responses

  1. kantrzyn says:

    very good explanation!
    But people like to believe in miracles and magic and do not believe you. ?

  2. frankozzie1 says:

    you dont think the people standing around watching would see the legs are
    out of alignment as you described? or are they part of it also??

  3. Krisztián Lakatos says:

    I think it is not so!!!

  4. Garry Graham says:

    Well that was as clear as mud!

  5. Elvis Franco says:

    si fuera eso que la alzara eso se le metiera en el trasero pues.

  6. JANJUC13228 says:

    wanker…..pure speculation and thats it

  7. iTztom1 says:

    how do you explain the crowd that was watching when the trick was performed

  8. auteurAM says:

    This is a TV illusion. If you have millions watching on TV a dozen people
    watching it live and seeing how it is done would be acceptable to the
    magician. They are either trusted friends or employees or else paid a small
    amount of money to keep their mouth shut.

  9. Karol says:


  10. Karol says:


  11. SuperButtstick says:

    stop revealing too much you fucking shit oh you are going too reveal
    dynamos football trick

  12. speedo mac says:


  13. codergames says:

    A league?

  14. Diana Chong says:


  15. auteurAM says:

    The point of the legs not being in their normal positions is so a side view
    can be shown with no means of support seen where you think it should be.
    This type of illusion relies on you seeing what the camera sees only of
    course the camera is positioned carefully to only show what they want.

  16. Igal Flint says:

    most people today believe ilusion is real and that’s a big problem as they
    are not truth seekers!

  17. auteurAM says:

    I have tried to make clear that real front leg only extends to the ring.
    Other sections extend from the ring to the ground to give the stool overall
    balance and support. In order to perform the illusion myself I would have
    to build a stool with electric motors etc. Not a cheap or easy proposition
    and not worth it to prove a point hence the cartoon. People that believe
    the illusion is real don’t need to watch my video. I’m trying to make an
    interesting video not perform a public service.

  18. Diana Chong says:

    Stop ruining the illution

  19. Rachel powell says:

    You know what, he has better ideas about how dynamo achieves his illusions
    than most. I personally can never figure it out. At least this is a good

  20. Jason Mills says:

    Camera angles are easy to explain, some methods are necessary… some
    aren’t… however, auteurAM is barking up the wrong tree for certain with
    is ‘guess’ at how it’s done… well… just barking! The most stable
    structure is a three legged chair if the centre of gravity is ‘centered’
    The explanation here is a possible way of doing this trick…but not the
    one used!

  21. Mike noTV says:

    I went to a David Copperfield show( my friend bought the tickets so I felt
    obligated, so wtf. it was my first magic show) . then i saw DC do the
    disappearing harley and reappear in the orchestra pit. I saw him put on a
    helmet with tinted glass- why a helmet on a stage? so he went behind the
    curtain and a reappeared- helmet on, could have been anybody. But my friend
    didn’t see it. so DC reappears with helmet off his head waving it. my
    friend thinks he has magical powers-still, & I am crazy

  22. Jeff ? says:

    auteurAM brings up a very good point when explaining why the camera never
    moves during the forward facing shots, and why it doesn’t show the legs in
    the side shots. A good explanation makes predictions such as these. I doubt
    your elusive “7 other more plausible explanations” explain the camera
    angles like auteurAM does. Also, there is no such thing as an impossible
    center of gravity. Every structure has a center of gravity. Furthermore,
    the most stable structure is a three legged stool.

  23. Jason Mills says:

    Your explanation isn’t an explanation of the trick… it’s an explanation
    that you have convinced yourself is possibly plausible… if not thought
    out properly

  24. michelle nielsen says:

    Dynamo Levitating Lindsay Lohan Revealed

  25. Jason Mills says:

    Most people think it’s an illusion? You think Dynamo… the illusionist
    used an illusion to create the illusion? So the front leg doesn’t touch the
    floor? This trick has nothing to do with the legs of the chairs, the
    forshortening of the front leg in the ‘revealed’ would make the chair a
    three legged stool with it’s centre of gravity in an impossible position.
    There are 7 other more plausible explanations… if you want to ruin the