Donkey Of The Day: Lindsay Lohan [10-08-13] – Breakfast Club Power 105.1

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25 thoughts on “Donkey Of The Day: Lindsay Lohan [10-08-13] – Breakfast Club Power 105.1

  1. 305Kicks

    sometimes getting sober is hard not because people dont want to its because it becomes a chemical addiction and when you dotn have it your body feels down and out and u feel like u cant? function

  2. askchazzellis

    This is exactly what almost every person that relapses does. They get sober for 90 days then feel like they are qualified to help others. This shit is the same ego trip that kept her on drugs, she doesn’t want to be known as a drug addict any more so she feels like she has? to be the person saving people. News flash you can’t save some one else if you haven’t finished saving yourself. IJS

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