Did Lindsay Lohan Try to Bribe Druck Driver After Crash?

Lindsay Lohan crashed into a dump truck Friday, totaling her black Porsche. Now the driver claims her people tried to bribe him at the scene.

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11 Responses

  1. KemyLovesBeauty says:


  2. xxxWarriorGoddessxxx says:


  3. 666MetallicaDave says:

    uhoh.. not a 930 turdbo ?

  4. 666MetallicaDave says:

    It? was Swaylor Twift.

  5. 666MetallicaDave says:

    An emalgum? car got totaled too. About a week ago.

  6. vanityandlove says:

    celeb? tv fail SMH

  7. ham645 says:

    Druck? Faillllll?

  8. heyitsmejason1 says:

    what did she bribe him with a? blow job fukin dumb HO

  9. jonjon123456789ful says:


  10. L0VEH0LIC says:

    druck? driver?

  11. MrLabelChannel says:

    who cares??