Destiny Has 3.2M Players & GTA Makes Lindsay Lohan Mad – GS News Top 5

The brutally violent ‘Hatred’ emerges, Capcom won’t make a sequel if the original didn’t sell over 2m copies, and Lindsay Lohan is still mad at GTA V. This Week’s Top 5 Stories: Lohan…

25 thoughts on “Destiny Has 3.2M Players & GTA Makes Lindsay Lohan Mad – GS News Top 5

  1. kolz4ever1980

    LOL so destiny has 3.2 million people doing the same mission over and over.
    Bring bot here and fight 100 enemies, bring bot there and fight 100
    enemies. And then running at 30 fps with a slow control for aiming.. LOL..
    Console people will play any piece of trash that tries to compare to the
    pc.. Poor people.. :)?

  2. Mathew K

    Capcom says yet another extremely ignorant and moronic thing….go

    Why does a game need to be AAA successful to say it’s worth making a
    sequel? I can name a ton of games that have had a sequel even though the
    first game wasn’t a substantial hit by comparison of other games or even
    it’s sequel. Simply put if you’re proud of a game and believe it’s worth
    making a sequel then make the sequel because the follow you get for the
    second game might just be far larger than the first game’s was thus making
    the sequel worth developing in the first place. Sometimes you need to take
    that kind of risk when the time is right and it feels appropriate. But
    don’t believe that it requires to be a financial success right out the gate
    for it to be worth making a sequel to it.?

  3. Max Zea

    Who is the most greedy?
    Electronic Arts
    Wonderbros Games
    Deep Silver
    Square Enix

  4. Under

    Why is it that PS4 fans are always bashing the Xbox One yet One fans dont
    do the same to PS4. I swear Playstation fans are so bitter and mod all the
    time lol?

  5. liam barker

    Can’t everyone just agree both the ps4 and xbox one are both realy shit
    consoles PC MASTER RACE! Just kidding of coarse there both relay good
    consoles so why do we hate eachother so much over a plastic box ?

  6. louie wallenberg

    Because murdering tons and tons of civilians that are white is something
    you need to revolt at, but shooting at ‘terrorists’ in the middle east
    after your country has financially and military occupied their land for
    over a decade is fine and dandy. ;3?

  7. SupertoastGT

    Dragon’s Dogma was epic. Diddn’t sell becuse they diddn’t advertise it
    enough. Only like three people heard of it so it was swept under the rug.

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