Confessions of a Teen Age Drama Queen p9

movie … part lindsay lohan movies carlynmichelle music p1 entertainment news short film tv

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25 Responses

  1. tilba1213 says:

    What is the song playing?

  2. swimchik1345 says:

    i think he’s adam garcia 🙂

  3. zacandsabby says:

    this was a really good movie. too bad lindsay screwed up her life. she had alot goiing for her.

  4. tilba1213 says:

    hottie sam whats his name i wanna marry him lol

  5. crazyhorselover3 says:

    thankz xxx

  6. dhanya1234 says:


  7. almart3069 says:

    Bratz – change the world

  8. dodobird35 says:

    aww sam looks so sweet

  9. PhoebeBushbaby says:

    it was in reply to someone who said they still didn’t get what the entire movie had been about and asked if someone could explain

  10. kamarie1205 says:

    what was the point of you writing this?

  11. leeryansmrs says:

    great film xD

    i still dont get why lola lied about everything att the beginning tho … i would be pissed if my best m8 was lieing to me all along i duno .meh

  12. rockerlishes says:


  13. julia816 says:

    aw i wished ella would get to dance with steve too

  14. LibertineDeSade says:

    Sam, the boy who got the dress for her. That’s who she kisses and who she decides to make time for.

  15. rebeccaxHx says:

    FROM THE MOVIE “the outsiders”.

  16. lilgawjuzmissy says:

    i’m gona b honest too there’s a part i don’t get who does she kiss the rockstar or the boy who got her the outfit or are they the same person in other words who is the boyfriend she has time for??

  17. crazyhorselover3 says:

    wats the song wen their both dancing?

  18. PhoebeBushbaby says:

    Lola is a compulsive liar who moves from New York City to New Jersey. She befriends Ella, who shares her obsession with a band, and makes an enemy in the popular girl, Carla when she wins the lead in the school play. When the band breaks up, she and Ella go to NYC to see their last concert, and manage to get into the private afterparty. At school Carla tells everyone Lola’s lying about meeting the band, but then the lead singer turns up at the afterparty of the school play and Lola’s vindicated.

  19. klelly05 says:

    it is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0_0

  20. imvunoobs says:

    that girl

  21. PinkBabeOx says:

    wats the song called xx

  22. katafromnyc says:

    can anyone tell me what this movie was all about? i watched it and i say i didn’t understand it lol 😀

  23. LeahQT says:

    no even the play that Julie Andrews was in was called My Fair Lady.

  24. SadimeJohansen says:


  25. tami2kaii8xoxo says:


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