25 thoughts on “Confessions of a Teen Age Drama Queen p3

  1. KayKaybtw

    ok so its a school and its based from the drama class..there are like ppl opn the front lawn of the school but nvr in the halls? im confused and lindsay is bi

  2. wankmyhorseplz

    So is Lindsay bi or suddenly turned lesbian? She’s had a few (dozen) cocks in her time so she can’t really be a proper lesbian, so must be bi. But that Samantha Ronson looks like a man anyway so maybe he-she wears a dildo.. which kinda beats the point.. blimey she’s confusing.

  3. flipflop500

    Does anybody know why this begining scene was shot at King City Secondary School? I mean, of all places to send these LA stars, why KIng City? Im just curious cuz thats where I grew up so its so cool!!

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