CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA

CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA … CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA New World Order Paris Hilton Britney Spears Miley Cyrus Lindsay Lohan

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25 Responses

  1. thetruthattack says:

    this is a very good subversion propaganda tape, yes there were nazi scientist shipped here after ww 2, and yes mind science has been studied closely for 80 years, but jewish zionist run 80% of are media today they have access to projecting opinion and manipulating facts, this is a classic double think trap, something happened in germany to make them angry with the jews, before ww2 research it… I am not a german & not a jew, just someone who does my own research

  2. Y0UTUBERCUL0SIS says:

    The American far-right did not Adopt Nazi science and philosophy after world war II. Germany adopted American far-right science and philosophy before world war II.
    It is a documented fact that the German war machine was heavily aided by American companies in the 30s, during the presidency of Prescott Bush, American Nazi party sympathizer, and grandfather of George W.
    The Nazis are not just in the past, the Nazis are here, and now, and their psychological war is in full sway.

    Wake up!

  3. CommonmanVideos says:

    Very scary

  4. kaffeetrichter says:

    The subtitle at 1:08 is wrong, the man actually means “Weltanschauungskrieg”, the other word does not exist.

  5. BrickLaneBetty says:

    Paul Robeson was a victim as was Frank Olsen who pioneered MKULTRA. Don’t listen to ONE THING the US govt tells you.

  6. rainstormaeroponics says:

    the nazis didnt lose they just moved
    wow that is probably true when u think about it

  7. BowiesDog says:

    this shit is real.I got a small dose of it recently. Becareful people and I’m serious….

  8. secondcomingtwo says:

    CIA operations follow the same recurring script. First, American business interests abroad are threatened by a popular or democratically elected leader. The people support their leader because he intends to conduct land reform, strengthen unions, redistribute wealth, nationalize foreign-owned industry, and regulate business to protect workers, consumers and the environment. So, on behalf of American business, and often with their help, the CIA mobilizes the opposition.

  9. zerothought says:

    …and we’re lead to believe that the CIA stopped the MK ULTRA experiments after the church hearings… bullshit.

    …and even if they had stopped the experiments, would they just not use everything they’d learned about mind control? All those techniques?

    You can see brainwashing in our society everyday. Anytime someone talks about “Al Queda” without following those words up with “is fake”

  10. sHaDoWoFsWoRdS says:

    very interesting

  11. diogeneslaertius666 says:

    its not happening, go back to sleep america, dont believe what stopchildmolesters says as he is clearly with al-qaeda.

    (lol j/k bro)

    wake up america what the FUCK does it take to wake you bastards up!?

  12. spiralsone says:

    not that i disagree with the gereral gist of this, but it is presented in a cheesy manner, and dumbed down.
    there is much better info on mk-ultra out there.
    need to tie in sirhan sirhan, and shoulda stated that richard helms ordered all mk ultra files destroyed in 1973
    but it’s not bad, and a subject that needs to be told about.

  13. WeCanAllGetAllong says:

    Thanks poster,for your info packed video sharing. These bastards are still out there everywhere,so look out for the guy with the evil deep stares and his sick intent. The most dangerous game is for real and its way worse than what it says here. The television(tells a vision,get it?) its bad news brown.
    See trance formation of america on book shelves. But probably not for long. They tinker with the mind. They have many charm schools. And they have many carrior pigeons too. They are sick indeed.

  14. WeCanAllGetAllong says:

    Thanks very much to mark philips and guerrilla news network! And Thank you cathy O. for your courage and wisdom. And ty christopher simpson! As for weltonshunkrieg, what a freakin joke. And as for ‘the most dangerous game it is a BS reason to hunt and rape and kill or worse for thrills. Just ask ice-t in that one movie. It really is an invasion of the mind. Thanks dr harvey for your help to uncover the truth. And THANK YOU POSTER for your info packed video sharing. WAKE UP PEOPLE, WAKE UP!

  15. jurkis1 says:

    I am sick of hearing about illuminati. Anybody with a cause can use this technology and do it to this day. This is all a smoke screen People who carried out this stuff are probably still alive. They should be responsible, Not pass laws to let people use the technology so they can get what they think is private justice. Its about money, power, propaganda and politics and cowardly people not facing their music and peoples pockets being lined. .

  16. abe100031 says:

    great vid 5 stars

  17. 1Nyro says:

    check out 10 steps to fascism on google (its an article)

  18. 1Nyro says:

    damn fucking right

  19. 1Nyro says:

    check out illuminati politics

  20. stopchildmolesters says:

    Satanic ritual abuse exists all over the world. There have been reports, journal articles, web pages and criminal convictions of these horrific crimes against children and adults.

    see members aol com / smartnews / satanic ritual abuse htm

  21. stopchildmolesters says:

    mk-ultra is a reality

    google smartnews mk-ultra

  22. ToasterOS says:

    wow pretty pretty good

  23. Adam00Z says:

    so open your eyes , and support

  24. mark111491 says:

    scary info great beats great vid 5*

  25. photo986 says:

    I was one of the 9 canadians that sued the CIA as well as theCdn Gov’t Your right lzepin i had my memory erased was given LSD and Electric shock and put into a deep sleep while a brainwash tape played You Killed your mother i never did recover some people never gotthere memories back some got bits and peaces

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