Chelsea Lately: Lindsay Lohan’s Jail Time

Chelsea gives an inside look at Lindsay’s crazy family visits in jail. Plus, Dina makes Michael Lohan feel the prison pain. Check it out!

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26 Responses

  1. noeljesuss123 says:

    Sam is cute ;D

  2. dvinb12345 says:

    One of my favorite Chelsea Lately skits.

  3. heysnoopyADA says:

    Haahahaahah his balls!!

  4. 025729j says:


  5. DownAzzGirlE says:

    LMFAO. Chelsea made a great Lindsay mom lol the wig was perfect and the dad too lol

  6. Girliciiiious says:

    Hahahaha ;D
    his ballls!

  7. goddygodBen says:

    beauty, brains, AND a great sense of humor. could chelsea be any more perfect?

  8. Lolitamota22 says:

    Jajajajjajajajajaja Stupid Lohan Family Fuc@ing Bit@@

  9. JoJoisLuv88 says:


  10. 893729811515 says:

    S?r?? ??r ????? ?ff ?o???, b?t I’m ?ry??g to ?et r?ve??e ?? my b???? oƒ ?n ?? ??r?ƒ?ie?d, ?f ?ou w?n?? ??? her ?e? ??pe I ?o? ? ?in? ?n ?? p?oƒ?le. ???????? ?s 123 . ???n?s

  11. Multiryan1982 says:

    So true her problem isn’t hollywood….she parties with her parents or should I say her parents party off of her

  12. BlackSkullz09 says:

    @meanpollywog lol clever u

  13. meanpollywog says:

    @BlackSkullz09 Shouldn’t it be rotfbssht: rolling on the floor but still somhow typing. haha

  14. 30thousandd says:

    ahahah debbie

  15. mOOyOOfOOaOO says:


  16. TheStylistGuru says:

    lmfao!!!!!!! heather is the best!

  17. creepinoutsara says:


  18. comedycort says:

    lmao “I tried but the bitch wouldn’t do it.”

  19. jared986le says:

    my goooooooooooooooooooooooddddddd!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!11

  20. BlackSkullz09 says:

    @15francisco93 it means ROFL=Rollin on the floor laughing> 🙂

  21. 15francisco93 says:

    @BlackSkullz09 wat is rolf

  22. Tumadre520 says:

    heather’s impression of ali makes me cry from laughter. it’s brillant.
    “omg mom this is so unfair”

    “did you get it signed by chelsea handler like I asked?”
    “I tried but the bitch wouldn’t do it”
    ahhahaha this is amazing<3

  23. Broadcaster12354 says:

    this child is sick
    this needs clinical help
    her mom is a bad influence on her because the thing is when you see shots her mom is right there partying along with her
    this is a very sick child and she needs severe clinical help and she needs a minder or a monitor
    and I don’t know why this bitch chelsea is making funny sketches of her what is happening to lindsey right now is not a joke and in fact chelsea looks like she’s doing a drug herself

  24. 6780Texaslatina says:

    That’s what I call perfection!!! LMFAO!!!

  25. moboogieVids says:

    hillarious! haha!

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