Chelsea Handler from The Chelsea Lately Show along with Chuy, Loni Love, Shayma Tash and James Aguiar host part 2 of this roundtable. They chat about Sam Ronson turning down dj-ing gigs, George Michael getting busted in another bathroom with drugs, Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana being late for work, Chuy and Lisa Rinna. … chelsea lately handler sam ronson gay lesbian johnny kansas milord lohan miley cyrus disney montana chuy lisa rinna coun

25 thoughts on “CHELSEA LATELY 9-23-08 ROUNDTABLE Part2

  1. faroukbongo

    l fuckn love loni love……….dats ma bitch…………funny as hell
    “i love gay people especially lesbians cus dat means more dick for me so keep on licking sisters” lmafo

  2. Umbra16

    Because “cock” can be reffered to as a rooster, but “dick” can be a name. There’s so many loop-holes in censored television. Every child in America swears anyway, so why censor it?

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