Chelsea Handler from the Chelsea Lately Show along with actress/comedian Kim Coles, Gary Valentine, Michael Yo and Chuy host part 1 of this roundtable on 8-15-08. They chat about Madonna going to the moon with Richard Branson, John Mayer, Jennifer Anniston, Trump helping Ed McMahon and Lindsay Lohan becoming a Jew. … chelsea handler lately chuy madonna branson john mayer jen anniston trump mcmahon lindsay lohan sam ronson

25 thoughts on “CHELSEA LATELY 8-15-08 ROUNDTABLE Part 1

  1. continuo

    I hate Michael Yo. He is to Chelsea Lately what Elisabeth Hasselbeck is to The View … A Boring, Brown-nosing son-of-a-bitch ‘Know-it-all’ (who really knows nothing) who interrupts our fun with his “no, but seriously” talk … SHUT THE F*** UP YO, WE DONT LIKE YOU.

  2. CarrieBradshaw6

    everytime michael yo comes on the show he seems to want everyone to know what he knows about celebrities. he doesnt make any jokes like the other roundtable guests do.

  3. CookieMonster9898

    she said “i can see who wears the strap on in this relationship” its like the expression “I see who wears the Pants in thos relationship”
    it basically means whos in control of the relationship

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