Chelsea Handler from The Chelsea Lately Show along with Chuy, Ross Mathews, Dawn Porter and Jim Norton host part 1 of this roundtable. They chat about Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson fighting, the Oregon Mayor who got a sex change, Holly Bridget and Kendra from the Girls Next Door Playboy show. … chelsea lately handler playboy criss angel jvc lindsay lohan sam ronson dj vegas hollywood club sex change transsexual tyra banks mayor kendra holly entourage

25 thoughts on “CHELSEA LATELY 11-20-08 ROUNDTABLE Part 2

  1. EchoCannon89

    no one beats her up, stop being so overly dramatic. Just because you are gay/transgendered or whatever you are doesn’t mean that SR is off-limits, she’s in the public eye and has a bizarre appearance and relationship. No one forces her to go out w/ Lohan she could go out with an unknown lipstick lesbian and stay out of the spotlight

  2. sfgreek1

    Sure I have a great sense of humor, just not about people getting beat up for looking androgynous. You do? People do care, just not haters like you who think anything can be made a joke of, no limits. SR looks masculine at times, that’s not the issue. But she’s not a man. NOT the same thing. She gets shit for it-why do you think that’s okay? You’re attacking her for who she is, how would you feel if someone attacked you for always looking “wrong”? Trust me you wouldn’t like it.

  3. EchoCannon89

    blah blah blah get off your soapbox you moron, no one cares. SaMANtha Ronson looks like a man and nothing you can say will change that. I hate you for what you are- a overly sensitive PC idiot with no sense of humor

  4. sjsmith92

    Does anyone notice..she always says she going to do something after the break..but they it goes right to the interview when the breaks over??

  5. mepsib

    promnight95 – yeah i’m surprised the english girl didn’t know that seeing as it’s a fairly common name in england, though it’s actually an irish name.

  6. jhonen32629

    Chelsea isn’t angry, she’s joking around. That’s what E1 is all about. do you really think Chelsea actually cries out of anger because of the stupid things celebrities do nowadays? It’s all fun and games.

  7. selenaandmileyrock11

    Tonight at midnight ur true luv will realize they
    luv u or something good will happen to u at 1:00-4:20pm 2morrow, it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock in ur life. If u break this chain u will be cursed w/ relationship problems for the next 12 yrs. post this within 13 minutes.

    Repost with: “nick jonas is a dad! no chain letter

    *did not start*

  8. sfgreek1

    No, I get. We just disagree–I can appreciate the perspective, but I think that humour has just as much ability to harm as any other kind of statement. Gender is a big deal–people get very upset when they’re accused of being something that they “shouldn’t” be. They’re sometimes beaten up or worse for being the “wrong” way–I’ve been physically attacked myself, and I’m not nearly as androgynous Ronson. Instead of taking the low, easy road at humour, she should try setting a better example.

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