Chelsea Handler from The Chelsea Lately Show interviews Michael Lohan, father of Lindsay and Ali Lohan.

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25 Responses

  1. WestechWatcher says:

    Michael’s a cool guy trying to turn his life around and save his daughter’s while she self-destructs. His ex-wife in an opportunist bimbo who is getting rich off her kids work. Mike is the real deal and he will make good of his life.

  2. sydders03 says:

    oh chelsea, you make my day, i think she could out bitch miss rivers. i love her.

  3. KingsRevenge says:

    hes suxxx at acting

  4. starsfound says:

    Chelsea is a asshole.

  5. melissapenrod says:

    LMAO! When I was in prison we all had crushes on you. Whose day wouldn’t that make? I have to say it took balls for him to go on that show(pun intended)

  6. misslyss7 says:

    chelsea is amazing… she tore him 5 new ones.

  7. bombass2000 says:

    uh because her girlfriend Samantha Ronson is a DJ and he wouldn’t answer her about them being in a relationship. Plus Lindsay’s been known to DJ at parties every now n then, so it was basically a double entendre.

  8. andresbayona14 says:

    Ok let me ask you another question do you think she’s getting better as DJ-ING? what is that mean? I didn’t understand that.

  9. bombass2000 says:

    It sure does take balls, camel balls to be exact.

  10. jelloman89 says:

    Funny interview!

  11. WhatEverPuto says:

    youuuuuu son of a bitch!! X(

  12. lilbrowstalker says:

    Wow he actually came on!! That takes balls!

  13. arielle1993 says:

    ohh ok thanks 🙂

  14. bchelz says:

    its a gps tracker so that the police know where he is all the time, he’s probably on house arrest and they just let him out to do the interview

  15. arielle1993 says:

    what was in his sock?

  16. sirsir0987 says:

    “that’s sounds amazing” lol

  17. officialpickle says:

    im glad lindsay wants nothing to do with him.
    he wants to get famous off the name.
    he is a prick.

  18. HotTamale1987 says:

    *ROFL* @ her laugh when he said, “when I was in prison I had a crush on you”

  19. comedycort says:

    Chelsea’s face on 1:09 1:10 LMAO LOVE IT!

  20. xomelissaannexo says:


  21. gossipgirljulie says:

    lol old camel balls

  22. mcjulian1111 says:

    haha i love chelsea!! camel balls!!

  23. iMxBURNiNxUPx16 says:

    camel balls looool haha

  24. Yezeta says:

    chelsea rocks!! i wish i could be like her…lol … xD

  25. Ipodwitlegs says:

    loving the interview

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