CHAPTER 27 Movie Trailer

fix you. To give you what you need. To make you whole again.” From his lies to cab drivers (identifying himself as the Beatles sound engineer) to his socially unacceptable behavior around Jude (Lindsay Lohan) a young fan he meets outside the Dakota — to his argument with paparazzi photographer Paul (Judah Friedlander), Leto’s Chapman keeps the psychoses bubbling below the surface as his grasp on reality deteriorates into a completely misguided rage. … movie preview lindsay lohan john …

18 thoughts on “CHAPTER 27 Movie Trailer

  1. starlost1957

    Private Cell in Attica, NY has a Janitorial & on good behavior to travel whom I’ve seen in Serenity Shack in Tonawanda, NY A.A. Meeting last year.

  2. laurenjamie1

    forget about chapman!!! hes a dick he wants to be known hel will be smiling in his cell all happy fuck him forget about him!!!!!!!!! remember john!!!!

  3. doorscrackedopen

    Murder is evil and vile. I don’t think there should ever be any reason a human should take another human beings life under and circumstance. Chapman went through 5 pycho therapists before his prison term and 3 of them announced that he was clinically insane. He also grew a huge emotional attachment to Salinger’s novel and became obsessive with the story. I actually just read it about a week ago for the first time and although it was a decent book, I never saw where it would take over my life

  4. kfiatkarulez

    I could read the book to get an idea but I doubt it will inspire sympathy… have you read it? Do you feel that his reasons justify anything?

  5. doorscrackedopen

    Read “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger and you may have develop an idea. Chapman was delirious and psychotic and stated openly to read “The Catcher in the Rye” in his defense. It is a good book.

  6. hielrazor88

    i now have to see this movie!. mark chapman was a hero of epical proportians ending all that hippy shit with five slugs to the dirty hippy master-mr.john lennon

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