Bouquet of Roses, Couch Delivered to Lindsay Lohan

Fresh out of rehab, Lindsay Lohan has taken up residence right next door to ex, Samantha Ronson and is still moving in. In this scene, we see someone has left a bouquet of roses at Lindz’s door (Sam?) and then a rather long couch is delivered to her residence.

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6 Responses

  1. zemog06 says:

    look my video, this name’s PRIVATE V.I.P contains? the song bossy

  2. TheFever77 says:

    Some people have way too much time on their hands to be following this girl.

  3. boricuas4669 says:

    @TheElephant79 Apparently old habits die hard….. And that’s what piss me off about her ! Don’t get me wrong, i love Lindsay, but she needs a lot to mature !

  4. TheElephant79 says:

    @boricuas4669 Yep, dumb enough = her Prblm.

  5. boricuas4669 says:

    I think it was a stupid idea to move there, now is gonna be worst for her with the paps ! No privacy ……

  6. AnnaNolan says:

    theres no point to this video apart from looking at a relativey nice couch it seems…

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