Bobby Trailer

Trailer for the upcoming film “Bobby” … bobby robert kennedy emilio estevez anthony hopkins demi moore sharon stone lindsay lohan elijah wood

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25 Responses

  1. taylorterriblex3 says:

    i dont know why you all didn’t like this movie, i thought it was absolutely spectacular.

  2. striker708 says:

    Sorry this is scary if u read this far u will die in 10 days if u dont send to any 15 videos in 2 hours good luck hope u dont die

  3. aaronvuitton666 says:

    This movie could have been so much better, considering the subject matter.

  4. piman314159265358979 says:

    / \
    Bob is still going to rule YouTube!

  5. deagla says:

    Eh, the Illuminati is run by reptilian kin known throughout history as Jinn, Naga, Angels/Demons, Dragons, Dracul, Al Gore, Windsors, Rothschilds etc. that rule the inner circles of Freemasonry and do foul sex&torture rituals. They’ll probably release a bird flu virus via vaccines(or by drones), go to internet 2, start WW3 w/China, have a staged alien invasion(2010) to get a microchipped pop/world gov but they will fail! Support FreemanTV, Alex Jones, Dr.Deagle, David Icke & Project Camelot!

  6. woopeea says:

    It’s Bryan Adams and it’s not available anywhere I’m afraid…

  7. lost88soul says:

    yeah, bryan adams

  8. Bull1908 says:

    Who sings this version of “Never gonna break my faith.”? And is it downloadable anywhere? I like it better than Aretha’s rendition.

  9. cookieking3 says:

    I just got back from Blockbuster and i rented this movie. I can’t wait to watch it. I really hope it’s good.

  10. Magnolia296 says:

    It was phenomenal and very underrated movie. Brilliant acting – Emilio Estevez, Anthony Hopkins, Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, Helen Hunt, Lindsay Lohan. To my surprise, Lindsay was very romantic here

  11. hedgehog160 says:

    i love this movie!
    does anyne know the song or score in the beginning of this??

  12. killbob9999 says:

    /? /?
    / \ / \ ?this is kampos! post him over youtube to kill BOB!

  13. Reindrich says:


  14. alvarogonzalezvelazq says:

    we dinint cross the boarder the boarder crossed us lmao its tru

  15. RyKey2201 says:

    i definatly wanna see that movie.. oh and whats that song? the voice sounds abit like bryan adams, right?

  16. showman80 says:

    tsssss! tremendo reparto!!!!! me quedo con Mary Elizabeth Winstead….. jujuju!!!!!!

  17. DanthemanCTU24 says:

    shut it u cunt, whats ur problem? i was just saying that there were quite a few actors in this film!If u want to be helpful, go fuck ur mum!

  18. colMcJeasy says:




    fucking dumbass.

  19. Latschsocke says:

    that movie was awesome! It really touched me!!

  20. DanthemanCTU24 says:

    WOW, there are LOADS of actors in this film, it looks good too!

  21. PeterBluth says:

    I think it’s sad that so many people put their faith in RFK when he was just a man like everyone else on Earth. Granted, he was a wonderful orator and he had wonderful ideas, but what good are ideas when the world around you doesn’t share your courage?

    In order for the world to truly change everyone has to work together. It has to be something we all share and I think that was the problem the world has today. We want change but we don’t have the same commitment to that change.

  22. rackobama61 says:

    Now that Dr. king is gone, no left for Bobby…no one.

    -That’s what I heard.

  23. BiGGyCLD says:

    oh i thot he died

  24. thanasi1721 says:

    sirhan sirhan shot him and he is not dead

  25. BiGGyCLD says:

    i just saw the movie i wasnt looking at the time but who fired the gun ( we all know he is dead so yeah ) was it one of the main characters?

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