Blow Up!

The big one went down … cornelius blow churchofblow lindsay lohan

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25 Responses

  1. spearofhope2 says:

    yeah…. that’s kinda what I said. actually, that’s excactly what I said.

    Maybe you should pay attention.

  2. blargh234 says:

    he has to have made this whilst the church of blow was still going for he still has the beard! pay attention in future

  3. HpnTYzD says:

    you suck o.o

  4. saintsrgood says:

    you talentless hack no 1 wants you here

  5. spearofhope2 says:

    You know honestly he probably Recorded this in advance in preperation for such an event!

  6. Feanixas says:

    Good one.

  7. SilentAssassin3500 says:

    great vid! but to balance things, i’m gonna post a negative reply: u suck! lol

  8. furthyrius says:

    which is the name of the song?

  9. Noodle3Box says:

    MAD AS VID!!!

    and guyz atleast this guy has fun making the vids

  10. airsoftjunky101 says:

    get a life

  11. spensergavin says:

    start an army of youtubians. for the upcoming revolution.

  12. 6cheesy6 says:

    Trained in capes in comment-dropping.

    >D greater than graet

  13. TheCelticNinja says:

    Love you giving the finger right at the end.

  14. JDLT2142 says:

    Love the Dr. Strangelove music in the background

  15. sunraindance says:

    you REALLY need a girlfriend.
    LOL that was awesome

  16. BuzzcutsFTW says:

    gay-…ness LMAO sounds just like you really were that guy, ure a great actor.

  17. XxJBroTerelxX says:

    lol nice, gayy-ness

  18. alch6288 says:

    ha you got me with this one I’m subscribing

  19. lostindisillusion says:

    gay-ness. LOLLL

  20. herbalicious74 says:

    i got your back man

  21. HappyCabbie says:

    Screw all the haters of the Church of Blow.

  22. Khaliana says:

    so yeah, screw you loosers (finger)…I just looove his videos…

  23. onebrowraised says:

    I was going to comment, but there is so many comments that I fell asleep reading them all. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  24. greentortouise says:

    I love this guy.

  25. matry003matry003 says:

    You Suck.

    (watch youtube is my life 😉

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