Blog 30 – waterfall

As you may have noticed my videos show a little less in them than they used to – the reason for this is that I’m going through a tough stage at the moment and so I have to focus more on the filming than the blogs – otherwise it could all go tits up! This is also why I haven’t yet responded to many people in the last couple of weeks – I will sit down and go through everything to respond to you all as soon as the crisis is over!! 🙂 This one is quite a nice blog cut to a great track by …

25 thoughts on “Blog 30 – waterfall

  1. onemanfilm

    Hey! I already made the world’s first one-man movie!.. It’s called ‘Madness in the First Degree’, my name is Geoff Searle. Don’t expect it to be easy, even when u finish filming! But good luck anyhows, nice blog, it’s lots of fun! G

  2. o0jules0o

    I live in Switzerland too 🙂
    Well right now I’m in France, but it’s probably closer to you guys because I normally live in the German-speaking area of Switzerland (Basel, at the Drei-Länder-Eck, where Germany Switzerland and France all meet)… Anyway, looks like the film is coming along great, good luck! And I hope you get some good snow, so that you have less editing on your hands.
    Anyway, good luck and say hi to Gabi. And that chicken looked tasty, until you put fur on it 😛
    Julia 🙂

  3. thelonefilmmaker

    I’m sorry about that. It is acceptable common practice with documentary film-making to ask someone to repeat what they just said for the camera. Gabi was filming me, she responded in a way that I thought was fun so I took the camera off her and asked her to repeat what she just said. It’s not pre-planned or setup in advance or anything. It’s very common-if someone says something perfect when the cameras off or if you’re filming fly-on-the-wall & u don’t get full coverage etc. It’s not lying.

  4. jameswsa

    Robert Redford (1972)plays a former soldier who is feed up with civilization and goes to live in the mountains,it is kind of slow but you see him evolve in his environment. Don’t know if this plot is similar yet but the look definately reminds me of your piece. Again excellent work.


  5. deathrockmom

    Adding the snow to that waterfall is going to look great.
    Come over to my house I will cook you and your g/f the best pasta. Working so hard, you two deserve it.

  6. GreyOrchid

    And one of the advantages is that seeing as you do everything by yourself for this film, you can decide when to have a holiday break from filming.

  7. Raymp5

    not much into filmmaking but i always like seeing how you edit the shots afterwards (the car scene for ex.) it’d be cool to see the finished shot with the snow on the rocks. its inspiring to see someone follow their dreams and i enjoy your blogs very much. can’t wait for the finished production.

    keep up the great work and keep warm!


  8. sheilapaxson

    I live in the GREAT state of Washington…its beautiful here! We picked Huckleberries and trudged up into the the hills of Lone Mountain. Yes, we had a wonderful time!

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