bleeding in love-leona lewis

this is bleeding in love by leona lewis starring, lindsay lohan hilary duff and kelly clarkson … leona louis keep bleeding fan video tribute music lindsay lohan hilary duff ellajinadu ellabellaboobobs in love pop

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25 Responses

  1. warm0ice says:

    i like the lyrics font 😉
    it really fits the song
    good choice man 🙂

  2. random5712509 says:

    i love ur video,,,

  3. TereFlOwerz says:

    i loovee!

  4. latinstyle78 says:


  5. 5069167 says:

    i love you song its the best

  6. darkomzn says:

    she’s really great I think she’ve whait heart >>

  7. ryanr162 says:

    Be hones?t
    If u reall?y like someo?ne right? now,
    or miss? them right? at this momen?t,?
    or can’?t get them out of your head,?
    Then copy and paste this on 10 vids withi?n 5 minut?es,?
    And whoev?er you are missi?ng,?
    Will surpr?ise you tomor?ow

  8. tinkerbellhotty05 says:

    i am in love

  9. girlsele says:

    bella kuesta canzone….

  10. hallo12334455 says:

    schreibe diesen kommentar in 19 videos und drücke dann “Alt” und “F4” und die person die in dich verliebt ist erscheint auf? dem bildschirm. derjenige wird dich heute um 22:00 anrufen oder dier einen brief schreiben, denn du morgen um ca. 13:00 erhältst.wenn dich aber niemand liebt schließen sich automatisch alle geöffneten fenster. und du wirst für immer unglücklich sein

  11. dominator7593 says:

    u realize if leona lewis sang like Annie Lennox she’d be great, instead of going up and down and up and down…shes great…but she could be even greater…my opinion

  12. TZUPCUTTY says:

    shes so stupid

  13. TZUPCUTTY says:

    yeah i agree

  14. misspurple31 says:

    whateva stil a perfect song!!!! so get over it
    anyways thats ma song

  15. LeonaLResource says:

    ? Leona is a star ?

  16. girzroc says:

    this song would be perfect for the book new moon

  17. beatrizliliana says:

    eS La MeJOr cAnCioN dEl MunDo fAn NuMerO 1 La MeJoR oS qUiErE AnOnIMo

  18. TheEdieShow says:


  19. explodingdock says:

    this song is good to listen to for one time. after that its gets annoying….

  20. Andrea102296 says:

    ok she just put that(hilary and lindsey) fruma movie! and its not bleeding love elyssahunter its bleeding IN love—LOLZ(3

  21. H20LAURA says:

    Why is lindsay lohan, hilary duff in this video??? isnt it a leona lewis??

    oh well lindsay lohan and hilary duff r soooo cool. they r awesome!!!

  22. rhyile says:


  23. ElyssaHunter says:

    It’s Bleeding Love….not Bleeding in love..

  24. NykeElemento says:

    That’s kelly clarkson in this video. Kelly and Leona would make a good team.

  25. 99MageAdri0wnz says:

    NIce makes ma Cry 🙁

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