be a star!

be a star life size tyra banks lindsay lohan … life size

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25 Responses

  1. flowergirlbecca says:

    HAHAHA I watched this movie like 2 weeks ago.

  2. KamZ94 says:

    yeah oh yeah lets be gay!

  3. lizzard1119 says:

    how do i download this song?

  4. clairabelle414 says:

    tyraa can do anything

  5. dn2021 says:

    THANK YOU!!!!

    This is awesome!

  6. ArianaJoelle says:

    I love this movie! It makes me feel so happy! Woohoo

  7. daisychick08 says:

    ya im obsessed with this movie and i’m 22 😀

  8. kolola705 says:

    this movie is AWSOME!!!! I must buy a doll right now!

  9. poolady says:

    OMG IM SORRY XX If u r reading this, then u will find a dead bloody body hanging in ur closet. U will be haunted and killed by her. to stop it posti this to 6 other videos in 30 GOOD LUCK

  10. alexxxbeezy says:

    ahahaha i know the fucking dad, dude! i thought i was the only one who noticed! and when he did the finger point, OMG ahahahahaha!

  11. twilightlover1220 says:

    hahahaha i sooo love this video this used to be my fav song when i was little

  12. Makayla031 says:

    .Put both of ur hands on ur chest
    2.Think of someone that u like……
    3.Tommorow that person will ask you out? or say i love you.
    4.Heres the catch just send to 5 more vidoes

  13. quantumoverflow says:

    I love this movie. Lindsay Lohan is so cute and Tyra Banks rocks.

  14. lollylou123 says:


  15. bruincheer08 says:

    i agree i want
    a doll now

  16. Lizarla101 says:

    cool movie i liked it

  17. MrKerrmite says:

    this movie is soooo awesome!
    too bad they don’t have this song on iTunes

  18. ChiNigATL says:

    LMAO. I just watched this with my baby sister. Why is it that NONE of these people have rhythm? Even Tyra was a little off…..

  19. breybrey2dajizzay says:

    thats a damn shame they had grown ass men dance like that 4 the movie

  20. smileywhit46 says:

    but bad sound!?

  21. weirdochick11 says:

    Teehee, what isnt to love about this movie??

  22. MaryLoveable says:

    I miss Disney movies like this.

  23. lollylou123 says:

    i’ve got this dvd lol.

    can you actually get them dolls cause i want one.

  24. SmileAndSayPeace says:

    Its Casie

  25. HOTnDiZZY says:

    I know right, i love this movie!!

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