Azula,Mai and Ty-Lee – Ultimate

Song:Lindsay Lohan-Ultimate … avatar azula mai ty-lee lindsay lohan ultimate

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10 Responses

  1. AmandaTrisha621311 says:

    book 2 i think episode 8

  2. kiwiboycorza says:

    ”Please tell me you’re here to kill me”

    Love Mai!

  3. KnarkPekka says:

    i realized Katara could control blood in the 4th episode in the 1st book.

    Not bend people but bend the blood out from their hearts till it stopped or out if from the skin.

    Using blood bending should be the easiest key to win against the phoenix king. since he cant using water bending to himself preventing his blood stop pumping through his veins. then Togh can bury him 100 miles underground so theres no % that he survived, and even if he does so, he cannot get out. Avatar is not needed^^

  4. ijaviktorija says:


  5. Icecrown91 says:

    OMG, thank you so much! This is not only a beautiful but also a nostalgic video, for me. Thank you so much. I suddenly felt years of memories passing by, memories left on the other half of the world…

  6. yomiko1997 says:


  7. PrincessAzula34408 says:

    awesome video

  8. Krispysalad says:

    ooo..! At 1:43 you can tell that Azula is evilllee! Thats y da ova 2 broke up from her. HAH to Azula! Lol 😛

  9. AsianChiick11 says:

    Kute vid !xD
    But didnt they fight or sumthing ?

  10. crystalpuppy77 says:

    Cool!!! but are they really friends?

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